ABEYWICKRAMA, B.A., 1979. The genera of the freshwater algae of Sri Lanka, part 1.. Unesco Man and the Biosphere, National Committee for Sri Lanka, Publication no. 6. Colombo. [Charophyceae p. 86-90 & pl. X].
ACLETO, C.O., ZUÑIGA, R.A., MONTOYA, H.T., MORON, S.O., SAMAMEZ, I.V. & TAVARA, C.H., 1978. Algas continentales del Peru 1. Bibliografia y lista de generos y especies. Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Museo de Historia Natural "Javier Pràdo", Departemento de Botanico, Lima. Serie de Divulgacion no. 9. [Charophyceae p. 53-54].
ACOSTA, L.W., M.R. SABBATINI, L.F. HERNANDEZ & O.A. FERNANDEZ, 1998. Regeneration of reproductive structures of Potamogeton pectinatus, Ruppia maritima, Zannichellia palustris and Chara contraria: Effects of temperature. Phyton-International Journal of Experimental Botany 63 (1-2): 167-178. [C. contraria].
ADAMS, M.S. & McCRACKEN, M.D., 1974. Seasonal production of the Myriophyllum component of the littoral of Lake Wingra, Wisconsin. Journal of Ecology 62: 457-465.
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AGARKAR, D.S., 1963. Systematic studies of the charophytes of Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh. The Vikram 7: 43-51. [9 species of Chara].
AGARKAR, D.S., 1967. A note on Chara vandalurensis Sundaralingam from Gwalior (M.P.). Science & Culture 33(2): 59-60. [2 figures].
AGHARKAR, S.P. & KUNDU, B.C., 1937. Charophyta of Bengal. Journal of the Department of Science, Calcutta University, N.S. 1: 1-23, pl. 1-9. [Key] [8 Nitella, 10 Chara species, Lychn. barbatus].
ÅHRÉN, T. & GRIMÅS, U., 1965. The composition of the bottomfauna in two basins of lake Mälaren. Report of the Institute of Freshwater Research Drottningholm 46: 49-57.
AL-KHAISI, K.A., 1970. Introductory studies on the algae of mid and south Iraq. Bulletin of the College of Science (Baghdad) 11: 45-80.
ALLANSON, B.R., 1973. The fine structure of the periphyton of Chara sp. and Potamogeton natans from Wytham Pond, Oxford and its significance tot the macrophyte-periphyton metabolic model of R.G. Wetzel and H.L. Allen. Freshwater Biology 3: 535-542.
ALLEN, G.O. & HERTER, W.G., 1934. Charales Uruguayensis. Revista Sudamericana de Botanica 1(3): 87-91. [Nitella 7, Tolypella 1, Chara 3 species].
ALLEN, G.O., 1933. Charophyte notes from Agra, U.P. Journal of the Indian Botanical Society 12: 17-19, 1 pl. [C. aspera, C. fragilis, C. contraria, C. vulgaris, N. hyalina].
ALLEN, G.O., 1936. Charophyte notes from Bareilly. Journal of the Indian Botanical Society 15: 51-54, 1 fig.. [N. stuartii, N. mirabilis, N. dispersa, C. fragilis, C. braunii, C. vulgaris, C. contraria, C. corallina, C. wallichii, Tol. prolifera].
ALLEN, G.O., 1937. Note on the outer covering of Charophyte fruits. Journal of Botany 75: 153-155. [Lamp. papulosum, N. Arachavaletae, N. opaca, N. flexilis, N. tenuissima].
ALLEN, G.O., 1938a. Notes on British Charophytes. Journal of Botany 76: 48-50. [N. opaca, N. flexilis, N. hyalina, Tol. glomerata, C. braunii, C. contraria, C. aculeolata, C. delicatula].
ALLEN, G.O., 1938b. The charophyte collecting tours of Thomas Bates Blow. Journal of Botany 76; 295-298.
ALLEN, G.O., 1942. On the distribution of some Indian Charophytes. 150th Anneversary Volume Royal Botanic Gardens, Calcutta, no. 2. pp. 183-189. [list Characeae taxa from India as mentioned by Braun, Groves & T.F. Allen] [correction sheet seperately published].
ALLEN, G.O., 1950. British stonewarts (Charophyta). The Haslemere Natural History Society - T. Bungle & Co., Arbroath. 52 pp., 18 figs. [Key] [10 Nitella, 17 Chara, 4 Tolypella species, Nitellopsis obtusa, Lamp. papulosum].
ALLEN, H.L., 1971. Primary productivity, chemo-organotrophy and nutritional interactions of epiphytic Algae and Bacteria on macrophytes in the littoral of a lake. Ecological Monographs 41: 97-127.
ALLEN, N.S. & ALLEN, R.D., 1972. Endoplasmatic filaments and rotational streaming in Nitella. Journal of Cell Biology 55: 2A.
ALLEN, N.S., 1974. Endoplasmic filaments generate the motive force for rotational streaming in Nitella. Journal of Cell Biology 63: 270-287.
ALLEN, T.F., 1888b. The Characeae of America. Part I. Containing the introduction, morphology and classification. New York. 64 pp., 55 figs., 1 pl. [Key] [72 Nitella, 13 Tolypella, 55 Chara species, Nitellopsis obtusa (as Lychn. stelliger), Lychn. barbatus, Lamp. macropogon (as Lychnothamnus), Lamp. papulosum (as alopecuroides)].
ALLEN,T.F., 1894b. Japanese Characeae I. Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club 21: 523-526. [Nitella orientalis n. spec., Nitella paucicostata n.spec., Chara 2, Nitella 4 species].
ALLEN,T.F., 1894c. Note on Chara sejuncta. Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club 21: 526.
ALLEN,T.F., 1898a. Contributions to Japanese Characeae III. Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club 25: 73-82. [Nitella rigida n. spec., Nitella Tanakiana n. spec., Nitella Saitoiana n. spec., Nitella expansa n. spec., Nitella gracillima n. spec., Nitella multipartita n. spec., N. pseudoflabellata].
ALLENBY, K.G., 1968. Some analysis of aquatic plants and water. Hydrobiologia 32: 486-490.
ALLORGE, P. & DENIS, M., 1927. Notes sur les complexes végétaux des lacs-tourbières de l'Aubrac. Archives de Botanique 1(2): 17-36. [Nitella sp. & Chara sp. in Isoetetum echinospori].
ALLORGE, P. & JOVET, P., 1937. Les principaux groupements de végétaux et leurs milieu. Encyclopédie Français Permanent 5(40): 1-16. [Chara in Characetum].
ALMESTRAND, A., 1951. Studies on the vegetation and hydrochemistry of Scanian lakes II. Ion determinations in lake waters. Botaniska Notiser, supplement 2(3): 143-175. [see also Lundh, A., 1951].
ALMKVIST, B., 1975. The influence of flight altitude and type of film in photo-interpretation of aquatic macrophytes. Svensk Botanisk Tidskrift 69: 181-187.
AMICI, G.B., 1818. Osservazioni sulla circulazione del Succhionella Chara. Mem. di Matem. e Fisic. dell Società Italiana VIII vol.II.
AMICI, G.B., 1827, 1833. Descrizione di alcune specie nuove di Chara ed osservazioni microscopiche sulle medesime. Modena (1827), & Mem. Acad. Sci. Lett. Arti Modena 1(1833): 199-221.
ANDERSON, D.M.W. & KING, M.J., 1961a. Polysaccharides of the Characeae III. The carbohydrate content of Chara australis. Biochimica Biophysica Acta 52: 449-454.
ANDERSON, D.M.W. & KING, M.J., 1961b. Polysaccharides of the Characeae IV. A non-esterified pectic acid from Nitella translucens. Journal of the Chemical Society 1052: 5333-5338.
ANDERSON, R.G. & LOMASSON, R.C., 1958. Some effects of temperature on the growth of Chara zeylanica Willd. Butler University Botanical Studies 13(2): 113-132.
ANDERSON, R.G., 1958, 1960. The growth and reproduction of Chara in a definable nutrient medium. Dissertation University of Nebraska. University Microfilm Inc., Ann Arbor, Michigan, Mic. 60-121. Dissertations Abstracts 20 (1960): 3034.
ANDERSSON, E., 1969. Life cycle and growth of Asellus aquaticus with special reference to the effects of temperature. Report Institute of Freshwater Research Drottningholm 49: 5-26.
ANDREWS, M. , 1987. Phosphate uptake by the component parts of Chara hispida. British Phycological Journal 22: 49-53.
ANDREWS, M., MCINROY, S., & RAVEN, J.A., 1984. Culture of Chara hispida. British Phycological Journal 19: 277-280.
ANDRIANOV, V.K., BULYCHEV, A.A., KURELLA, G.A. & LITVIN, F.F., 1971. Effect of light on the resting potential and cation (H, K, Na) activity in the vacuole sap of Nitella cells. Biofizika 16: 1031-1036 [russian], Biophysics 16: 1072-1078 [english].
ANDRIANOV, V.K., KURELLA, G.A. & LITVIN, F.F., 1965. Changes of resting potential of alga Nitella under light effect and the connection of this effect with photosynthesis. Biofizika 10: 531-533 [russian], Biophysics 10: 588-591 [english].
ANDRIKOVICS, S., 1973. Vergleichende hydroökologische und zoologische Untersuchung einiger Laichkrautgemeinschaften des Velencer Sees. Opusc. Zool. Budapest 12: 21-32.
ANTHONI, U., CRISTOPHERSON, C., MADSEN, J.O., WIUM-ANDERSEN, S. & JACOBSEN, N., 1980. Biologically active sulphur compounds from the green alga Chara globularis. Phytochemistry 19: 1228-1229.
ARENS, K., 1933. Physiologisch polarisierter Massenaustausch und Photosynthese bei submersen Wasserpflanzen I. Planta 20: 621.
ARENS, K., 1936. Physiologisch polarisierter Massenaustausch und Photosynthese bei submersen Wasserpflanzen II. Die Ca(HCO3) Assimilation. Jahrbuch Wissenschaftliche Botanik 83: 513-566.
ARENS, K., 1939. Physiologische Multipolarität der Zelle von Nitella während der Photosynthese. Protoplasma 33: 295-300.
ARENS, K., 1946. Contribuição para o conheicimento das incrustações calcáreas de Nitella. Bol. Mus. Nac. Rio de Janeiro, n.s. Bot. 6: 1-16. [N. cernua].
ARTS, G.H.P., VAN DER VELDE, G., ROELOFS, J.G.M. & VAN SWAAY, C.A.M., 1990. Successional changes in the softwater macrophyte vegetation of (sub-)atlantic, sandy, lowland regions during this century. Freshwater Biology 24: 287-294.
ASCHERSON, P., 1874. Vorläufiger Bericht über die botanischen Ergebnisse der Rohlfs'schen Expedition zur Erforschung der libyschen Wüste. Botanische Zeitung 32(39): 625-631. [Chara 2, Nitella 1 species].
ASCHERSON, P., 1878. Noch einige Bemerkungen über die orientalischen Schismus-Formen und über Pflanzen der kleinen Oase. Oesterreichische Botanische Zeitschrift 28: 254-257. [Chara succincta ex Braun n.spec.].
ASKENASY, 1877, 1878. Ueber eine neue Methode um die Vertheilung der Wachsthumsintensität an wachsenden gegliederten Pflanzentheilen zu beobachten. Sitzungsberichten der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft München, 1e Sitzung 19 September 1877 , Botanische Zeitung 36(6): 95-96.
ATKINS, R.P., CONGDEN, R.A., FINLAY son, C.M. & GORDON, D.M., 1976. Lake Leschenaultia - an oligotrophic artificial lake in Western Australia. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 59: 65-70.
ATKINSON, K.M., 1972. Birds as transporters of algae. British Phycological Journal 7: 319-321.
AUGIER, H., 1974a. Les phytohormones des algues I. Étude biochimique. Annales des Sciences Naturelles, Botanie, 12e Sér. 15: 1-64.
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AVAULT, J.W., 1965. Prelimanary studies with grasscarp for aquatic weed control. Progressive Fish-culturist 27: 207-209.


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