DAILY, F.K. & DURHAM, J.W., 1966.
Miocene charophytes from Ixtapa, Chiapas, Mexico. Journal of Paleontology
40: 1191-1199, 1 map, 1 pl.
DAILY, F.K. & KIENER, W., 1956. The Characeae of Nebraska
- additions and changes. Butler University Botanical Studies 13:
36-46. [7 Nitella, 3 Tolypella, 12 Chara species].
DAILY, F.K. & PORTER, C.L., 1961. A key and annotations for
some Characeae collected in Wyoming. Butler University Botanical
Studies 14: 29-37. [Key] [6 Chara, 3 Nitella species, Tolypella
DAILY, F.K., 1944. The Characeae of Nebraska. Butler University
Botanical Studies 6: 149-171, 5 pl. [Key] [9 Chara, 5 Nitella
DAILY, F.K., 1948. Nitella capillata A. Br. in North Carolina.
Butler University Botanical Studies 8: 123-125 1 pl.
DAILY, F.K., 1949. Chara kieneri, a new species from Nebraska.
Butler University Botanical Studies 9: 127-130, 1 pl.
DAILY, F.K., 1950a. Nitella spanioclema Groves & Bullock-Webster
var. nidifica, nov. var. from Alabama. Butler University Botanical
Studies 9:270-272, 1 pl.
DAILY, F.K., 1950b. Tolypella prolifera Leonh. in Indiana. Butler
University Botanical Studies 9: 273-276, 1 pl.
DAILY, F.K., 1953. The Characeae of Indiana. Butler University
Botanical Studies 11: 5-49, 2 pl. [Key] [Chara 12, Nitella 5 species,
Tol. prolifera].
DAILY, F.K., 1954. A rare Tolypella new to the United States of
America. Butler University Botanical Studies 11: 144-148, 2 pl.
[Tolypella hispanica var. porteri].
DAILY, F.K., 1958. Some observations on the occurrence and distribution
of the Characeae of Indiana. Proceedings of the Indiana Academy
of Sciences 68: 95-107. [13 Chara, 5 Nitella, 2 Tolypella species].
DAILY, F.K., 1964. Oospore variation in culture as applied to
the taxonomy of Chara. Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club 91:
281-283. [C. zeylanica].
DAILY, F.K., 1967. Lamprothamnium in America. Journal of Phycology
3: 201-207, 1 pl. [Lamp. papulosum, Lamp. hornemannii, Lamp. longifolium,
Nitellopsis obtusa, C. zeylanica, C. braunii].
DAILY, F.K., 1969a. Some late glacial charophytes compared to
modern species. Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of Sciences
78: 406-412.
DAILY, F.K., 1969b. A Lamprothamnium succinctum (Characeae) with
imperfect cortex. Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club 96: 656-660,
1 pl. [Lamp. succinctum, Lamp. macropogon].
DAILY, F.K., 1970. Fossil charophytes from South Dakota and Iowa
with a review of a modern species. American Midland Naturalist
84: 365-375. [C. delicatula, C. contraria, C. sejuncta].
DAILY, F.K., 1973. Lime-shells of Nitellopsis obtusa - fossil
and extant affinities. Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club 100:
75-78, 5 figs. [Nitellopsis obtusa, Lamp. hornemannii].
DAILY, F.K., 1980. Central cells of the stem node and charophyte
taxonomy. Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of Sciences 89: 356-358,
1 pl. [Lamp. succinctum, C. hornemannii, C. buckelii, N. opaca,
N. mirabilis, Nitellopsis bulbillifera].
DAINTY, J. & HOPE, A.B., 1959. Ionic relations of cells of
Chara australis. I. Ion exchange in the cell wall. Australian
Journal of Biological Sciences 12: 395-411.
DAMBSKA, I., 1964. Charophyta - Ramienice. Flora Slodkowodna Polski,
tom. 13. Polska Akademia Nauk, Instytut Botanoki, Warszawa. 126
pp., 56 figs. [Polish] [Key] [16 Chara, 8 Nitella, 2 Tolypella
species,Lychn. barbatus, Nitellopsis obtusa].
DANGEARD, P.A., 1886. Recherches sur les organismes inférieurs.
Annales des Sciences Naturelles 4: 241-341, pl. 11-13. [Parasites
in N. tenuissima & C. polyacantha].
DANGEARD, P.A., 1889. Mémoire sur les Chytridinées.
Le Botaniste 1: 39-84, pl. 2-3.
DANGEARD, P.A., 1890. Recherches histologiques sur les champignons.
Le Botaniste 2: 63-149.
DANGEARD, P.A., 1925. Limite de la végétation en
profondeur de quelques plantes submergées du Lac d'Annecy.
Comptes rendus des séances de l'Académie des Sciences
180: 304-306. [N. flexilis, N. syncarpa, C. aspera, C. foetida,
C. tomentosa].
DANGEARD, P.A., 1933. Traité d'algologie. Introduction
à la biologie et à la systématique des algues.
Encyclopédie biologique t. XI. Lechevalier et Fils, Paris.
441 pp., 381 figs. [Charophycées pp. 208-222, fig. 205-220:
N. opaca, C. tomentosa, C. fragilis, C. scoparia, C. canescens,
C. hispida, C. foetida].
DANSEREAU, P., 1945. Essai de corrélation sociologique
entre les plantes supérieures et les poissons de la beine
du Lac Saint-Louis. Revue Canadienne de Biologie 4: 369-407.
DAVID, A. & RAY, P., 1966. Studies on the pollution of the
river Daka (N. Bihar) by sugar and distillery wastes. Environmental
Health 8: 6-35.
DAVIES, G.S., 1970. Productivity of macrophytes in Marion Lake
British Columbia. Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada
27: 71-81. [C. globularis].
DAVIS, J.S. & LIPKIN, Y., 1986. Lamprothamnium prosperity
in permanently hypersaline water. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für
Hydrologie 48: 240-246. [Lamp. papulosum].
DE BARY, A., 1871. Über den Befruchtungsvorgang bei den Charen.
Monatsberichte der königlich preussische Akademie der Wissenschaften
zu Berlin 1871: 227-239, fig. 1-9. [C. foetida, C. contraria,
C. fragilis, C. scoparia, N. tenuissima, Lamp. papulosum].
DE BARY, A., 1875. Zur Keimungsgeschichte der Charen. Botanische
Zeitung 33(23, 24, 25): 377-385 & pl. V-VI, 393-401, 409-420.
Journal of Botany 1875:
DE BARY,A., 1881. Zur Systematik der Thallophyten. Botanische
Zeitung 39(1, 2): 1-17, 33-36.
DE BRÉBISSON, A. & MORIÈRE, J., 1879. Flore
de la Nornmandie, Phanérogames et cryptogames semi-vasculaires.
ed. 5. F. le Blanc - Hardel, Caen. XXXV + 518 pp. [Key] [Characeae
pp. 497-504, 9 Chara, 8 Nitella species, Tol. intricata (as N.
intricata), Tol. prolifera (as N. prolifera)].
DE BRÉBISSON, A., 1859. Flore de la Nornmandie, Phanérogames
et cryptogames semi-vasculaires. ed. 3. A. Hardel, Caen. XXXIV
+ 400 pp. [Key] [Characeae pp. 378-384, 8 Chara, 7 Nitella species,
Tol. intricata (as N. intricata & var. prolifera)].
DE DECKER, P. & GEDDES, M., 1980. Seasonal fauna of ephemeral
saline lakes near the Coorong Lagoon, South Australia. Australian
Journal of Marine and Freswater Research 31: 677-699. [Lamp. papulosum].
DE DECKER, P. & WILLIAMS, W.D., 1982. Chemical and biological
features of Tasmanian salt lakes. Australian Journal of Marine
and Freshwater Research 33: 1127-1132, 1 map. [Lamp. paulosum].
DE GORTER, D., 1745. Flora Gelro-Zutphanica exhibens Planta per
ducatum Gelriaea et comitatum Zutphaniae crescentes. Harderovici.
[C. major Vaill. p. 200].
DE GORTER, D., 1767. Flora Belgica exhibens plantas per foederatum
Belgium crescentes. Abr. à Paddenburg, Trajecti ad Rhenum.
[Chara p. 337: C. vulgaris, C. hispida].
DE GORTER, D., 1781a. Flora Zutphanica. J. ter Louw, Zutphaniae.
[C. vulgaris p. 68].
DE GORTER, D., 1781b. Flora VII Provinciarum Belgii Foederati
indigena. A.J. Honkoop, Lugduni Batavorum. [Chara pp. 242-243:
C. vulgaris, C. hispida].
DE LAMARCK, J.B.A.P., 1783. Encyclopédie Méthodique
, Botanique 1. Paris. [Chara p. 696, pl. 742 fig. 1,2,3; C. vulgaris,
C. hispida, N. flexilis (as Chara)].
DE LANGE, L., An ecological study of ditch vegetation in the Netherlands.
Thesis, University of Amsterdam. 112 pp., 4 figs. (1 map), 1 map.
[C. vulgaris, C. baltica, C. canescens, C. fragilis, Tol. prolifera,
Nitellopsis obtusa].
DE ROCHEBRUNE, A., 1863. Sur les organes de la fructification
du Nitella stelligera Bauer. Bulletin de la Société
Botanique de France 10: 31-33.
DE RUITER, M., 1992. Restoration of Botshol (The Netherlands)
by reduction of external nutrient load: Botshol and the dutch
governmental program of nutrient reduction. Hydrobiological Bulletin
25: 261-264.
DE VRIES, H.A., 1969. Het moerasgebied ten oosten van de Loosdrechtse
plassen, zomers 1961 en 1962. In: P.L. Leentvaar et. al. (red.)
- De zuidelijke Vechtplassen, flora en fauna. pp. 11-24. Commissie
voor de Vecht en het Oostelijk en Westelijk Plassengebied. [Dutch]
[C. aculeolata, C. globularis (as C. connivens)].
DE WILDEMAN, É., 1897. Prodrome de la Flore Algologique
des Indes Néerlandais. Jardin Botanique de Buitenzorg,
Batavia. VIII + 193 pp. [Characeae pp. 30-31, 4 Chara, 5 Nitella
DE WILDEMAN, É., 1900. Les algues de la flore de Buitenzorg.
Brill, Leiden. [Characeae pp. 372-377, fig. 139-141, 2 Chara,
4 Nitella species].
DE WIT, H.C.D., 1966. Aquariumplanten. 3e herziene druk. Hollandia,
Baarn. 359 pp., 94 fig. [Dutch] [Chara pp. 273-274; Nitella pp.
323-326, fig. 94].
DEAN, W.E. & EGGLESTON, J.R., 1975. Comparative anatomy of
marine and freshwater algal reefs: Bermuda and Central New York.
Bulletin of the Geological Society of America 86: 665-676.
DEBSKI, B., 1897. Beobachtungen über Kerntheilung bei Chara
fragilis. Pringsheim Jahrbücher für wissenschaftliche
Botanik 30: 227-248, pl. IX-X.
DEBSKI, B., 1898. Weitere Beobachtungen an Chara fragilis Desv.
Pringsheim Jahrbücher für wissenschaftliche Botanik
32: 635-670, pl. XI-XII.
H.L., 1954. The natural C14 contents of materials from hardwater
lakes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Washington
40: 285-288.
DELAY, C. & CARPENTER, S., 1955. Action de la colchicine sur
Chara vulgaris L. 1. Action sur les filaments spermatogènes.
Revue de Cytologie et de Biologie végétale 16: 415-467.
DELAY, C., 1949. Observations cytologiques sur les Characées
1. L'évolution du noyau pendant la spermiogénèse
de Chara vulgaris. Revue de Cytologie et de Biologie végétale
11: 315-332.
DELAY, C., 1958. Action de la colchicine sur le Chara vulgaris
L. II. Action sur la croissance et la différenciation de
l'appareil végétatif. Revue de Cytologie et de Biologie
végétale 19: 7-49.
DELL'UOMO, A., 1976. Indagini algologiche nel bacino del Laghestel
(Trento). Giornale Botanico Italiano 110: 457-458. [Italian] [C.
DELROY, L.B., 1974. The food of waterfowl (Anatidae) in the southern
Coorong saltwater habitat of South Australia. Journal of the South
Australian Ornithological Association 26: 157-163. [Lamp. papulosum].
DEN HARTOG, C. & SEGAL, S., 1964. A new classification of
the water-plant communities. Acta Botanica Neerlandica 13: 367-393.
DEN HELD, A.J. & SMIT, H., 1977. Het Ilperveld, voorbeeld
van een brakwaterveen. In: B.L.J. van Leeuwen & H.C. Witte
(red.) - Waterland. Bibliotheek KNNV 26, Thieme, Zutphen. [Dutch].
DEN HELD, A.J., COPIJN, G.M. & OOSTENDORP, P.J., 1976. Water-
en moerasvegetaties in de Botshol. In: P.A. Bakker e.a. - De noordelijke
Vechtplassen, flora en fauna. Commissie voor de Vecht en het oostelijk
en westelijk plassengebied. pp. 279-316. [Dutch] [Nitellopis obtusa,
C. hispida, C. contraria, C. aspera, C. connivens].
DEN HELD, A.J., DEN HELD, J.J. & MAIER, E.X., 1974. Waterplanten
en waterplantenvegetaties in de plassen van De Haak bij Slikkendam.
Gorteria 5: 21-35, 2 figs., 4 tables. [Dutch, english summary]
[Nitellopsis obtusa, C. hispida, C. aspera, C. globularis, N.
DEN HELD, A.J., SCHMITZ, M. & VAN WIRDUM, G., 1992. Types
of terrestrializing fen vegetation in the Netherlands. In: J.T.A.Verhoefen
(ed.) - Fens and bogs in the Netherlands: Vegetation, Nutrient
dynamics and Conservation. pp. 237-321, 1 map. Kluwer, Dordrecht.
[C. globularis].
DEN HELD, J.J. & DEN HELD, A.J., 1973, 1976. Beknopte handleiding
voor vegetatiekundig onderzoek. Wetenschappelijke Mededelingen
van de K.N.N.V. 97. 40 pp., 23 figs. 2 ed. 1976. [Dutch] [C. globularis].
DEN HELD, J.J. & DEN HELD, A.J., 1976. Het Nieuwkoopse plassengebied.
Thieme, Zutphen. 314 pp. [Dutch] [Nitellopsis obtusa, N. flexilis,
N. mucronata, C. hispida, C. globularis, C. aculeolata, C. aspera].
DENAYER, A., 1886. Les végétaux inférieurs.
Thallophytes et cryptogames vasculaires. 1er Fascicule. Analyse
des familles. A. Manceaux, Bruxelles. 80 pp., 4 pl. [Key] [Characées
pp. 34-35].
DENNY, P., 1971. Zonation of aquatic macrophytes around Habukarra
Island, Lake Bunyonyi, S.W. Uganda. Hidrobiologia 12: 249-257.
[Chara spec. specimen proved to be Nitella hyalina (det. J.v.R.)].
DENNY, P., 1972. Lakes of south-western Uganda. I. Freshwater
Biology 2: 143-158, 7 figs. (1 map). [Chara spec., specimen proved
to be Nitella hyalina (det. J.v.R.)].
DENNY, P., 1973. Lakes of south-western Uganda. II. Vegetation
studies on Lake Bunyonyi. Freshwater Biology 3: 123-135, 3 figs.
(1 map, 1 distribution map). [Chara spec., specimen proved to
be Nitella hyalina (det. J.v.R.)].
DENTERS, T. & RUESINK, R., 1989. Een nieuwe vindplaats van
het kranswier Nitella translucens (Persoon) Agardh in Nederland.
(A new locality of the charophyte Nitella translucens (Persoon)
Agardh in the Netherlands). Gorteria 15: 71-74, fig. 1 (distribution
map). [Dutch, english summary] [N. translucens, N. flexilis].
DENTERS, T. & B. VREEKEN, 1998. Flora-atlas van de regio Amsterdam.
Provincie Noord-Holland, Haarlem (distribution patterns of the
Characeae provided by Joop van Raam & Emile Nat). ISBN 90-5769-005-5.
DES ABBAYES, H., 1948. Compte rendu de la 75e session extra-ordinaire
de la Societé Botanique de France dans la Finistère
en 1947. Bulletin de la Societé botanique de France 94:
DI GIOVANNI, M.V., 1970. Bilancio ecologico de cinque laghi agricoli
(Gubbio-Perugia). Rivista Idrobiologia 9: 3-37. [Italian].
DIAMOND, J.M. & SOLOMON, A.K., 1959. Intracellular potassium
compartments in Nitella axillaris. Journal of General Physiology
42: 1105-1121.
DIEDERICH, P., 1986. Les Characeae du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg.
Dumortiera 34-35: 32-36, fig. 1-4 [distribution maps] [C. globularis,
C. hispida, C. vulgaris, C. hispidula, N. flexilis, N. opaca,
N. gracilis, N. mucronata].
DIELS, L., 1918. Pflanzengeographie. 2e Auflage. Sammlung Göschen,
Berlin. [p. 74: Chara in Limnium].
DIERßEN, K., 1983. Rote Liste der Pflanzengesellschaften
Schleswig-Holsteins. Stand 1983. Schriftenreihe des Landesamtes
für Naturschutz und Landschaftspflege Schleswig-Holstein
6. 159 pp., 64 figs. (28 distribution maps). [C. fragilis, C.
vulgaris,C. contraria, C. braunii, C. aspera, C. hispida, C. baltica,
C. tomentosa, N. batrachosperma, N. flexilis, N. opaca, Nitellopsis
DIERßEN, K., 1996. Vegetation Nordeuropa's. Ulmer, Berlin-Stuttgart.
838 pp., 448 figs. (19 maps, 18 distribution maps), 24 pl. [Charetea
fragilis pp. 235-237: 10 Chara, 6 Nitella, 3 Tolypella species,
Nitellopsis obtusa, Lamp. papulosum].
DIERSSEN, K., 1982. Die wichtigsten Pflanzengesellschaften der
Moore Europa's. Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques Genève,
Publications h.s. no. 6. XXXII & 382 pp., 127 figs., 104 maps.
[C. fragilis, C. hispida].
DIXIT, S.C., 1931. Some Charophyta from Salsette. Journal of the
Indian Botanical Society 10: 205-208, 3 figs. [N. acuminata, N.
oligospira, N. hyalina, C. fleccida, C. brachypus, C. zeylanica,
Lamp. succinctum (as C. succincta)].
DIZERBO, A.H., 1972. La Schoenus nigricans L. (Cypéracés)
et son association dans la presqu'Île de Crozon (Finistère).
Bulletin de la Société Scientifique de Bretagne
47: 85-92. [C. foetida].
DODSON, J.R., 1974. Vegetation history and water fluctuations
at Lake Leake, south-eastern South Australia. I. 10,000 B.P. to
present. Australian Journal of Botany 22: 719-741, 10 figs. (2
maps). [C. fibrosa].
1994. Waterplanten in de Gouwzee. De Graspieper 14: 104-112. [Dutch].
DOLL, R., 1989. Die Pflanzengesellschaften der stehenden Gewässer
im Norden der DDR. Teil I. Die Gesellschaften des offenen Wassers
(Characeen-Gesellschaften). Feddes Repertorium 100: 281-324, fig.
1-2, 20 tables. [12 Chara, 5 Nitella species, Nitellopsis obtusa].
DOLLFUS, G.F. & FRITEL, P.H., 1919. Catalogue raissoné
des Characées fossiles du Bassin de Paris. Comptes rendue
sommaire et Bulletin de la Société Géologique
de France 19: 243-244.
DONALDSON, I.G., 1972. The estimation of the motive force for
protoplasmic streaming in Nitella. Protoplasma 74: 329-344.
DONELLY, B.G., 1969. A preliminary survey of Tilapia nurseries
on Lake Kariba during 1967/68. Hydrobiologia 34: 195-206. [Ch.
spec. is Nitella hyalina, det J. van Raam].
DOUGHTY, C.J. & HOPE, A.B., 1973. Effects of ultraviolet radiation
on the membranes of Chara corallina. Journal of Membrane Biology
13: 185-198.
DOVGAL, L.A., 1971. Charophits from the cretaceous deposits of
West Siberia. In: T.F. Voszhennikova (ed.) - Algae of the Paleozoic
and Mezozoic of Siberia. pp. 61-65, pl. 19. Academy of Sciences
of the USSR. Siberian Branch. Institute of Geology and Geophysics.
DREW, K.M., 1926. The leaf of Nitella opaca Ag., and adventitious
branch development from it. Annals of Botany 40: 321-348. [N.
opaca, C. vulgaris, C. hispida].
WAERN, M., 1939. Zur Kenntnis der Vegetation des Sees Tåkern.
Acta Phytogegraphica Sueccia 12: 1-65, 4 figs. (2 maps), 7 pl.
[C. aspera, C. fragilis, C. contraria, C. hispida, C. foetida].
DUBAY, C.E., 1981. Distribution and composition of the macrophyte
community in Mountain Lake, Virginia. Virginia Journal of Science
32: 17-22. [N. flexilis, C. braunii].
DUCKER, S.C., BROWN, V.B. & CALDER, D.M., 1977. An identification
of the aquatic vegetation in the Gippsland Lakes. Environmental
Studies Series, No. 136. Ministry for Conservation, Melbourne.
111 pp. [Lamp. papulosum].
DUCREUX, G., 1968. Sur l'ultrastructure des apex des bourgeons
principale et axillaire de Chara vulgaris. Comptes rendues de
l'Académie des Sciences, Paris 267: 163-166.
DUCREUX, G., 1970. Corrélations et ontogénèse
chez Chara vulgaris. Bulletin de la Société Botanique
de France, Mém. 117: 143-155, pl. 1-4.
DUDKIN, M.S., CHERNO, N.K. & ARESHIDZE, I.V., 1973. (Glucon
from Chara aculeolata). Khim Prir. Soedin (Tashk.) 9(4): 480-483.
DUMOULIN, L.J.G., 1868. Guide du botaniste dans les environs de
Maestricht, ou indication des Phanérogames et des Cryptogames
vasculaires croissant spontanément dans ces environs. C.
Hollman, Maestricht. [C. fragilis, C. hispida, C. vulgaris, N.
DUNCAN, T.M., K.S. RENZAGLIA & D.J. GARBARY, 1997. Ultrastructure
and phylogeny of the spermatozoid of Chara vulgaris (Charophyceae).
Plant Systematics and Evolution 204: 125-140. [C. vulgaris].