HAAG, R.W., 1983. Emergence of seedlings of aquatic macrophytes from lake sediments. Canadian Journal of Botany 61: 148-156. [C. fragilis].
HAAPANEN, L. & SKOGLUND, C.R., 1967. Recording of the ionic efflux during single action potentials in Nitellopsis obtusa by means of high-frquency reflectometry. Acta Physiologica Scandinavica 69: 51-68.
HAAS, J.N., 1994. First identification key for charophyte oospores from central Europe. European Journal of Phycology 29: 227-235.
HACKNEY, C.T., ADAMS,S.M. & MARTIN,W.H. (ed.), 1992. Biodiversity of the southeastern United States: Aquatic communities. John Wiley & Sons, New York. 779 pp. [Characeae pp. 147, 206, 403, 495, 551].
HACQUART, A.L., 1932. Notes sur les genres Sycidium et Trochiliscus. Bulletin de la Musée royal d'Histoire naturelle de Belgique 8: 1-22.
HAECKEL, E., 1889. Der natürlichen Schöpfungs-Geschichte usw.. Zweiter Teil: Allgemeine Stammes-Geschichte (Phylogenie und Anthropogenie). 8e Auflage. G. Reimer, Berlin. [Characeae pp. 454-486].
HAMLYN-HARRIS, R., 1932. Some further observations on Chara fragilis in relation to mosquito breeding in Queensland. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology 26: 519-524.
HANDOO, J.K., SARAF, N. & KAUL, V., 1988. Energy content and ecological efficiency of macrophytes in Dal lake, Kashmir. Archiv für Hydrobiologie 111: 351-367. [C. corallina].
HANIFFA, M.A. & PANDIAN, T.J., 1978. Morphometry, primary production and energy flow in a tropical pond. Hydrobiologia 59: 23-48. [C. fragilis].
HANSEN, U.P. & KEUNECKE, P., 1974. Comparison of the effects of ionizing irradiation on the electrical parameters in Nitella with the effects of visible light. Atomkernenrgie 23: 5-8. [N. flexilis].
HANSEN, U.P., 1967. Zusammenhänge zwischen den Strahlenbeeinflussungen der Membranspannung, der elektrischen Reizschwelle und des ohmschen Widerstandes der Zellmembran von Nitella flexilis. Atomkernenrgie 12: 447-462.
HANSEN, U.P., 1968. Hinweise auf einen Adaptionsmechanismus gemessen an der Erniedrigung der Membranspannung der Süsswasseralge Nitella flexilis nach Bestrahlung. Atomkernenrgie 13: 60-66.
HANSEN, U.P., 1969. Das Abklingen des Strahleneffektes bei wiederholter Bestrahlung von Nitella im Vergleich mit der Wirkung auf den Erregungsmechanismus. Atomkernenrgie 14: 207-210. [N. flexilis].
HANSEN, U.P., 1971. The frequency response of the action of light on the membrane potential of Nitella. Biophysik 7: 223-227. [N. flexilis].
HANSEN, U.P., WARNCKE, J. & KEUNECKE, P., 1973. Photoelectric effects in characean cells. I. The influence of light intensity. Biophysik 9: 197-207. [N. flexilis].
HARDY, M., 1903. La géographie et la végétation du Languedoc entre l'Herault et la Vidourle. Étude écologique. Bulletin de la Société languedocienne de Géographie 26: 1-68, pl. 1-8, carte. [p. 67 C. fragilis].
HARRIS, T.M., 1939. British Purbeck Charophyta. British Museum Natural History, Geological Dept., London. 83 pp, 16 figs., pl. I-XVI.
HART, M. 't, 1977. Laatste zomernacht. De Arbeiderspers, Amsterdam. [Dutch].
HARTMAN, C.J., 1853. Svensk och Norsk Excursions-flora Phanerogamer och Ormbunkar. ed. 2. Z. Haegström, Stockholm. pp. I-XVI, 1-192.. [Chara pp. 156-158, Kryptogamia Filices Chara, 10 Chara, 4 Nitella (as Chara) species, Tol. nidifica (as Chara), Lamp. pouzolsii (as Chara)].
HARTMANN, F., 1907. Die fossile Flora von Ingramsdorf. Dissertation Universität Breslau. 37 pp.
HARVEY, E.N., 1942. Hydrostatic pressure and temperature in relation to stimulation and cyclosis in Nitella flexilis. Journal of General Physiology 25: 855-862.
HASLAM, S.M. & MOLITOR, A.M.M., 1988. The macrophytic vegetation of the major rivers of Luxembourg. Bulletin de la Société Naturel de Luxembourg 88: 3-54.
HASSLOW, O.J., 1931. Sveriges Characeer. Botaniska Notiser 1931: 63-136. [Swedish] [Key] [11 Nitella, 3 Tolypella, 14 Chara species, Lamp. wallrothii (as Chara), Nitellopsis obtusa (as Chara stelligera)].
HASSLOW, O.J., 1934a. Några characeer från Amerika. Botaniska Notiser 4: 346-348. [Norwegian] [N. opaca, N. acuminata, N. praelonga, N. pseudoflabellata, N. gracilis, N. polyglochin, C. contraria, C. baltica, C. foetida, C. fragilis].
HASSLOW, O.J., 1934c. Nitella translucens i Norge, En iakttagelse i Bergens Museums botaniska samlingar. Bergens Museums Årbok 1934, Naturvidenskapelig rekke Nr. 5. 2pp. [Norwegian].
HASSLOW, O.J., 1935. Norges Characeer. Nyt Magazin for Naturvidenskaberne 75: 163-182. [Key] [Norwegian] [6 Nitella, 2 Tolypella, 9 Chara species, Lamp. wahlrothii (as Chara)].
HASSLOW, O.J., 1936. Norges Characeer. Nyt. Mag. f. Naturvidensk. 75: 163-182. [Norwegian] [Key].
HASSLOW, O.J., 1937. Chara strigosa A. Br., en för Finland ny art. Botaniska Notiser 1937: 501. [Swedish].
HASSLOW, O.J., 1938. Otto Nordstedt och characéerna. Botaniska Notiser 1938: 27-33. [Swedish].
HASSLOW, O.J., 1939a. Einige Characeenbestimmungen. Botaniska Notiser 1939: 295-301. [18 Chara, 7 Nitella, 2 Tolypella species, Lamp. macropogon (as Chara) from all over the world].
HASSLOW, O.J., 1939b. Einige Characeenbestimmungen. II. Botaniska Notiser 1939; 817-818, fig. 1. [Chara tenera n. spec. from China].
HAUCK, F., 1888. Die Characeen des Küstenlandes. Hedwigia 27: 17-18. [N. syncarpa, N. opaca, N. hyalina, Tol. glomerata,C. braunii, C. brionica, C. intermedia, C. tomentosa, C. foetida, C. hispida, C. aspera, C. fragilis].
HÄYRÉN, E., 1902b. Studier öfer vegetationen på tillnandningsområdena i Ekenäs skärgård. Acta Societatis pro Fauna et Flora fennica 23: 1-176, 2 figs., 2 maps. [Swedish] [Characeer pp. 27-60, 142-161; C. aspera, C. tomentosa, Nitellopsis obtusa (as Tolypella Stenhammariana)].
HÄYRÉN, E., 1934. Två anmärkningsvärda fynd av alger. Memoranda Societatis pro Fauna et Flora Fennica 10: 288-289. [Swedish] [Nitellopsis obtusa (as Tolypellopsis stelligera)].
HÄYRÉN, E., 1945. Om vattnets flora i några städer vid Finska vikens nordkust. Memoranda Societatis pro Fauna et Flora Fennica 21: 134-142. [Swedish] [Characeae pp. 14-141, C. braunii (as C. coronata), C. fragilis, Nitellopsis obtusa (Tolypellopsis stelligera)].
HEJNY, S., 1960. Ökologische Charakteristiek der Wasser- und Sumpfpflanzen in den Slowakischen Tiefebenen (Donau- und Theissgebiet). Slovakische Akademie der Wissneschaften, Bratislava. 490 pp., 102 figs. [C. foetida].
HENDERSON, A. & STEWART, P.R., 1988. Ocurrence of the stonewort, Nitella mucronata var. gracillima, new to northern Britain, at Copley, near Halifax. The Naturalist 113: 31-36.
HENLEY, W.J., 1998. Baseline limnology of Boomer Lake, Oklahoma, a recently reexcavated urban reservoir. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 13 (2): 235-247. [C. globularis].
HENRICSSON, M., 1976. Nutritional studies of Chara globularis Thuill., Chara zeylanica Willd. and Chara haitensis Turpin. Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis 13: 1-49.
HERMANN, P., 1687. Horti Academici Lugduno-Batavi catalogus exhibens plantarum omnium nomina, etc. C. Boutesteyn,Leiden. [Reprinted by Boerhaave (1720b) as: Index plantarum etc.] [p. 233 C. vulgaris].
HERR, W., TODESKINO, D. & WIEGLEB, G., 1989. Übersicht über Flora und Vegetation der niedersächsischen Fließgewässer unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Naturschutz und Landschaftspflege. Naturschutz und Landschaftspflege in Niedrsachsen 18: 145-283. [N. flexilis].
HERTER, G., 1928. Estudios botánicos en la región Uruguaya - Index Montevidensis plantas avasculares. Montevideo. 36 pp.
HERTER, G., 1933. Estudios botanicos en la region Uruguaya. III. Florula Uruguayensis - Plantae avasculares. Montevideo. 84 pp., 13 pl. [Spanish] [Charophyta pp. 28-29, C. fragilis, C. martiana, C. vulgaris, N. arechavaletae, N. clavata, N. gracilis, N. mucronata, N. opaca, Tol. prolifera].
HERTZSCH, H., 1855. Zur Chara filiformis Hertzsch. Hedwigia 1: 81-82.
HESSE, R., 1937. Ecological, animal geography. J.Wiley & Sons, New York. [translated from the german by W.C. Allee & K.P. Schmidt].
HICKEN, C.M., 1923. Las Algas del género Chara y los mosquitos del género Anopheles. Resumen del descubrimiento del doctor Arturo Caballero. Darwiniana 1: 79-85. [Spanish] [C. contraria, C. foetida, C. fragilis, C. hispida].
HIGINBOTHAM, N., 1973. The mineral absorption process in plants. The Botanical Review 39: 15-69, 1 fig. [N. flexilis, N. translucens, C. australis].
HILBIG, W., 1971a. Übersicht über die Pflanzengesellschaften des südlichen Teiles der DDR. I. Die Wasserpflanzengesellschaften. Hercynia, N.F. 8: 4-33. [C. foetida in Potamogetonetum lucentis].
HILBIG, W., 1971b. Übersicht über die Pflanzengesellschaften des südlichen Teiles der DDR. II. Die Röhrichtgesellschaften. Hercynia, N.F. 8: 256-285. [C. foetida in Typhetum-angustifolio-latifoliae].
HILGENHAGER, H. & MENKE, W., 1965. Lichtabhängige anisotrope Veränderungen des Chloroplastenvolumes in lebenden Zellen. Zeitschrift für Naturforschung 20: 699-701. [N. flexilis].
HILL, C.R. & EL-KHAYAL, A.A., 1983. Late Permian plants, including charophytes from the Khuff Formation of Saudi Arabia. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History), London (Geology Dept.) 37: 105-112, 18 figs.
HILL, S.E., 1941. The relation between protoplasmic streaming and the action potential in Nitella and Chara. Biological Bulletin 81: 296.
HILLEBRAND, H., 1976. De meercellige wieren van de Botshol. In: P.A. Bakker e.a. - De noordelijke Vechtplassen, flora en fauna. Commissie voor de Vecht en het oostelijk en westelijk plassengebied. pp. 333-345. [Dutch]. [Nitellopsis obtusa].
HILLEBRAND, H., 1987. De eutrofiering van de Botshol. Wetenschappelijke Mededelingen van de K.N.N.V. 182. 48 pp., 9 figs., 3 photogr. [Dutch]. [C. hispida, Nitellopsis obtusa, N. mucronata].
HINDÁK, F., KOMÁREK, J., MARVAN, P. & RÚZICKA, J., 1975. Kl'úc na urcovanie vytrusnych Rastlin. 1. diel. Riasy. Bratislava. 400 pp., pl. 1-95 = pl. I. [Czechian]. [Key] [Characeae p. 245-356, pl. 85-89].
HIRN, K, 1900. Finske Characeer. Medd. Soc. pro Fauna et Flora Fennice 26: 91-99.
HIRN, K, 1905. Suomen Näkinpartaiset (Characeae). Luonnon Ystävä 9: 305-326. [Finnish].
HOAGLAND, D.R. & DAVIS, A.R., 1929. The intake and accumulation of electrolytes by plant cells. Protoplasma 6: 610-626. [N. clavata].
HOAGLAND, D.R., HIBBARD, P.L. & DAVIS, A.R., 1927. The influence of light, temperature and other conditions on the ability of Nitella cells to concentrate halogens in the cell sap. Journal of general Physioloy 10: [N. clavata].
HOCKE HOOGENBOOM, K.J., 1937. Wierenbegroeiing van de IJsselmeerkust 1932 tot (Juni) 1935. Nederlandsch Kruidkundig Archief 47: 280-334. [Dutch] [Characeae pp. 315-316, 327, C. canescens, C. fragilis, Tol. glomerata (as Tol. nidifica)].
HODGKISS, I.J., 1978. Hong Kong freshwater plants. Urban Council and Urban Services Dept., Hong Kong. 89 pp, 71 photogr. [Chara p. 27, fig.].
HOFKER, J., 1940. Onderzoekingen over de duinen bij Voorne. De Levende Natuur 44: 329-337. [Dutch]. [C. major (as C. polyacantha)].
HOFSTRA, J.J. & WEEDA, E.J., 1977. Over de vegetatie met Elatine hexandra (Lapierre)DC. in de kleine plas van het Lonnekermeer. Gorteria 8: 193-206. [Dutch, english summary].
HOGEWEG, P. & BRENKERT, A.L., 1969a. Structure of aquatic vegetation: a comparison of aquatic vegetation in India, The Netherlands and Czechoslovakia. Tropical Ecology 10: 139-162.
HOGEWEG, P. & BRENKERT, A.L., 1969b. Affinities between growth forms in aquatic vegetations. Tropical Ecology 10: 183-194.
HOGG, J., WILLIAMS, E.J. & JOHNSTON, R.S, 1968. The temperature dependance of the membrane potential and resistance in Nitella translucens. Biochimica Biophysica Acta 150: 640-648.
HOLKEMA, F., 1870. De plantengroei der Nederlandse Noordzee eilanden: Texel, Vlieland, Ameland, Schiermonnikoog en Rottum. Eene bijdrage tot de Flora van Nederland. Scheltema & Holkema, Amsterdam. [Reprint 1976, Schiedam]. [Dutch]. [Charinae p. 151-153].
HOLLERBACH, M.M. [also as Gollerbach, M.M.] & KRASSAVINA, L.K., 1983. (Determination of the freshwater algae of the USSR). Vol. 14 - Charophyta. Leningrad. pp. 190, 72 pl. [Russian, latin names and index] [Key] [Chara canescentiformis n.spec.] [15 Nitella, 7 Tolypella, 37 Chara species, Lampr. papulosum, Lychn. barbatus].
HOLLERBACH, M.M. [also as Gollerbach, M.M.], 1949a. De Chara jubata A.Br. et Chara contraria A.Br. f. jubataeformis Vilh. in florae URSS notula. Mat. Otdela Spor. Rast. Bot. Inst. im W.L. Komarowa Ak. Nauk SSSR 6: 59-65.
HOLLERBACH, M.M. [also as Gollerbach, M.M.], 1951. [Pierwaja nachodka Chara Gymnopites A.Br. w priedielach SSSR]. Bot. mat. 7: 98-104.
HOLT, G., 1980. (A study of the land-locked Fjord Onna near Langangen, Telemark, S.E. Norway). Blyttia 38: 73-79. [Norwegian, english summary] [N. flexilis].
HOLTZ, L., 1903. Characeen.Botanische verein der Mark Brandenburg (ed.): Kryptogamenflora der Mark Brandenburg. Band 4, Heft 1. Gebr"der Borntraeger, Leipzig. III & 136 pp., 52 figs. [Key] [8 Nitella, 3 Tolypella, 14 Chara species, Lychn. barbatus, Nitellopsis obtusa (as Tolypellopsis stelligera)].
HOLTZ, L., 1891. Die Characeen Neuvorpommerns mir der Insel Rügen und der Insel Usedom. Mittheilungen des naturwissenschaftlichen Vereines für Neuvorpommern und Rügen 23: 99-156. [5 Nitella, 2 Tolypella, 15 Chara species, Lamp. papulosum, Nitellopsis obtusa, Lychn. barbatus].
HOLTZ, L., 1899. Die Characeen der Regierungsbezirke Stettin und Köslin. Mittheilungen des naturwissenschaftlichen Vereines für Neuvorpommern und Rügen 31: 101-189. [6 Nitella, 2 Tolypella, 16 Chara species, Nitellopsis obtusa, Lychn. barbatus].
HOLTZ, L., 1906a. Ueber Characeen gesammelt in Australien und auf Sizilien. Mittheilungen des naturwissenschaftlichen Vereines für Neu-Vorpommern und Rügen 37: 36-43. [Australia: N. gelatinosa, N. subtilissima, C. scoparia, C. australis, C. dichopitys; Sicilia: Tol glomerata, C. hispida, C. foetida, C. gymnophylla, C. galioides, C. canescens].
HOMANN, W., 1972. Unter- und tief- mittelpermische Kalkalgen aus den Rattendorfer Schichten, dem Trogkofel-Kalk und dem Treßdorfer Kalk der Karnischen Alpen (Österreich). Senckenbergiana Lethaea 53: 135-313. [Charophyta pp. 235-237, pl. 7 fig. 52, 53].
HONGVE, D., 1975. The littoral vegetation of Nordbytjernet, a small lake in south-east Norway. Norwegian Journal of Botany 22: 83-97. [C. aspera].
HOOKER, J.D., 1867. See: Braun, A., 1867.
HOPE, A.B. & WALKER, N.A., 1960. Ionic relations of cells of Chara australis. III. Vacuolar fluxes of sodium. Australian Journal of Biological Sciences 13: 277-291.
HOPE, A.B. & WALKER, N.A., 1961. Ionic relations of cells of Chara australis. IV. Membrane potential differences and resistance. Australian Journal of Biological Sciences 14: 26-44.
HOPE, A.B., 1965. Ionic relations of cells of Chara australis. X. Effects of bicarbonata ions on electrical properties. Australian Journal of Biological Sciences 18: 789-801.
HOPPE, E. & PANKOW, H., 1968. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Vegetation der Boddengewässer südlich der Halbinsel Zingst und der Insel Bock (südliche Ostsee). Natur und Naturschutz in Mecklenburg 6: 139-151. [C. aspera, C. canescens, C. tomentosa, C. baltica, C. hispida].
HORA, S.L. & PILLAY, T.V.R., 1962. Handbook of fish culture in the Indo-Pacific region. FAO Fisheries Technical Paper no. 14. FAO, Rome. 204 pp.
HÖRMANN, G., 1898. Studien über Protoplasmaströmung bei den Characeen. Thesis, Jena. N. syncarpa].
HORN AF RANTZIEN, H., 1950a. Studies in the series Pluricellulatae of Nitella, with special reference to the American species. Acta Horti Gothoburgensis 18: 199-212.
HORN AF RANTZIEN, H., 1950b. Charophyta reported from Latin America. Arkiv für Botanik, ser. 2, 1: 355-411. [Key] [26 Nitella, 2 Tolypella, 23 Chara species].
HORN AF RANTZIEN, H., 1953a. Staining and plastic embedding of small mineralized plant fossils. Nature 171: 516, 2 figs.
HORN AF RANTZIEN, H., 1953b. Charophyta from the middle Trias of the Boring Höllviken II, Preliminary account. In: De geologiska resultaten från borrningarna vid Höllviken. Del VI. Sveriges Geologiska Undersökning ser. C No. 533, Årsbok 47 (4). 16 pp., 1 pl.
HORN AF RANTZIEN, H., 1954a. Middle Triassic Charophyta of South Sweden. Opera Botanica Acta Soc. Bot. Lundensi (Suppl. Ser. Bot. Notiser) 1: 1-83, 7 pl.
HORN AF RANTZIEN, H., 1954b. Revisions of some Pliocene Charophyte gyrogonites. Botaniska Notiser 1: 1-33.
HORN AF RANTZIEN, H., 1956b. An annotated check-list of genera of fossil Charophyta. Micropaleontology 2: 243-256.
HORN AF RANTZIEN, H., 1957. Nitellaceous Charophyte gyrogonites in the Rajmahal series (Upper Gondwana) of India. Acta Univ. Stockh., Stockh. contr. Geol. 1: 1-29.
HORN AF RANTZIEN, H., 1959b. Morphological types and organ-genera of Tertiary Charophyte fructifications. Stocholm Contributions in Geology 4: 45-197, pl. 1-21.
HORN AF RANTZIEN, H., 1962. Characeae. In: P. Wendelbo - Iranian plants collected by Per Wendelbo in 1959. V. Årb. Univ. Bergen Mat.-Naturv. 1962 (1): 3. [C. vulgaris].
HOTCHKISS, A.T., 1963. A first report of chromosome numbers in the genus Lychnothmanus (Rupr.) Leonh. and comparisons with the other charophyte genera. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 88: 368-372, fig. 1-16. [Lychn. barbatus (n = 28), Lamp. macropogon (n = 28), C. braunii (n = 14), C. australis (n = 14), C. vulgaris (n = 14), C. contraria (n = 28), C. zeylanica (n = 70), C. sejuncta (n = 14), N. opaca (n = 6), N. flexilis (n = 12), N. microcarpa (n = 18), Tol. prolifera] (n = 9)].
HOTCHKISS, A.T., 1964. Chromosome numbers and relationships in Chara leptopitys A.Br. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 89: 191-198, pl. 2. [n = 14 (also 21 & 42)].
HOTCHKISS, A.T., 1965. Chromosome numbers in Characeae from the South Pacific. Pacific Science 19: 31-37, fig. 1-2. [C. corallina (n = 14), C. fibrosa (n = 28), Lamp. succinctum (n = 42), N. hyalina (n = 18), N. acuminata (n = 18), N. pseudoflabellata (n = 18), N. furcata].
HOUTTUYN, M., 1783. Natuurlijke historie of uitvoerige beschrijving der dieren, planten en mineralen volgens het samenstel van den Heer Linnaeus. Deel 2, 14e stuk. Erven F. Houttuyn, Amsterdam. [Dutch]. [Characeae pp. 249-251, C. tomentosa, C. vulgaris, C. hispida, C. flexilis].
HOWARD-WILLIAMS, C., 1991. Aquatic vegetation. In: B.D. Clarkson et al. - Botany of Rotorua. pp. 47-54. Forest Research Institute, Rotorua, New Zealand. VI & 132 pp., 131 figs. [Characeae pp. 48-52, C. corallina, C. fibrosa, N. leptostachys, N. pseudoflabellata].
HOWE, M.A., 1929. Two new species of Chara from tropical America. Chicago Field Museum of Natural History Publication 258, Botanical Series 4(6): 159-161, pl.16. [Chara Kenoyeri new species, Chara Rusbyana new name for Chara Martiana Nordstedt pro parte].
HUALONG, F., TONG, L. & LIQIONG, L., 1996. The study on the ecological variation and systematic taxis of charophytes. Sichuan Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexueban) 33 (3): 316-322. [Chinese with an English summary].
HUSSAIN, M.I., KHOJA, T.M. & GUERLESQUIN, M., 1996. Chemistry, ecology and seasonal succession of Charophytes in the Al-Kharj irrigation canal, Saudi Arabia. Hydrobiologia 333: 129-137, fig. 1-4, 4 tables. [C. globularis, C. contraria (as C. vulgaris f. contraria), C. vulgaris, C. zeylanica, C. benthamii, C. fibrosa].
HUSSAIN, M.I. & T.M. KHOJA, 1999. Chara braunii (Charales, Charophyta) in an Arid Rainfed Waterbody, Saudi Arabia. Australian Journal of Botany 47 (3): 427-436. [C. braunii].
HUTCHINSON, G.E., 1975. A Treatise on Limnology, 3 Limnological Botany. J. Wiley & Sons, New York.
HUTOROWICZ, A. & J. DZIEDZIC, 1998. Past and present stands of Characeae in lakes of the Olstztyn Lake District. Fragmenta Floristica et Geobotanica Series Polonica 5: 279-291. [10 Chara's, 2 Nitella's and 1 Nitellopsis].
HY, F., 1889. Sur les modes de ramification et de cortication dans la famille des Characées, et les caractèresqu'ils peuvent fournir a la classification. Bulletin de la Société botanique de France 36: 393-398. [Key] [Nitellopsis n. genus].
HY, F., 1890a. Sur quelques Characées récoltées à la session de la Rochelle. Bulletin de la Société botanique de France 37: XLVI-L. [C. imperfecta, C. polyacantha, C. hispida, C. aspera, C. canescens, C. baltica, C. galioïdes, N. tenuissima, Tol. glomerata, Lamp. paulosum].
HY, F., 1890b. Sur les caractères généraux de la famille des Characées et leur importance taxonomique et conspectus méthodique des Characées observées en France. Revue de Botanique 8: 25-47. [Key] [15 Nitella, 3 Tolypella, 16 Chara species, Nitellopsis obtusa, Lychn. barbatus, Lamp. papulosum].
HY, F., 1913. Les Characées de France. Mémoires de la Société Botanique de France 26. 47 pp., 3 pl. (for explanation of plates see: Hy, 1914) [Key] [Chara sabauda n. spec, Chara conniventi-fragilis as hybrid of C. connivens & C. fragilis, 11 Nitella, 3 Tolypella, 17 Chara species (C. braunii as Charopsis braunii), Nitellopsis obtusa (as Nitellopsis stelligera), Lychn. barbatus, Lamp. papulosum (as Lamp. alopecuroides)].


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