IMAHORI, K. & CHOE, K., 1963a. Charophytes from southern Korea. Journal of Japanese Botany 38: 271-279, 3 figs. (1 map). [Japanese, english summary] [5 Chara, 13 Nitella species].
IMAHORI, K. & CHOE, K., 1963b. Characeous flora in Korea and its phytogeographical situation (1). Science reports, College of General Education Osaka University 12: 93-104, 6 figs. (4 distribution maps) [Key] [C. fibrosa, C. braunii, C. corallina, N. flexilis, N. acuminata, N. orientalis, N. translucens, N. furcata, N. gracilis, N. mucronata, N. microcarpa, N. megacarpa].
IMAHORI, K. & IWASA, K., 1965. Pure culture and chemical ragulation of the growth of Charophytes. Phycologia 4: 127-134, 5 figs. [C. braunii, C. contraria, C. corallina, C. globularis, C. gymnopitys, C. hydropitys, C. zeylanica, N. microcarpa].
IMAHORI, K. & KATO, T., 1964. Notes on chromosome numbers of Charophytes in Fukui Prefecture, Japan (I). Science Reports, College of general Education Osaka University 10: 39-48, 4 pl. [N. flexilis n = 12, N. acuminata n = 18, N. shinii n = 28, N. pseudoflabellata n = 24, N. furcata n = 24 (48), N. erecta n = 28, N. rigida n = 14, N. gracilis n= 18, N. saitoiana n = 18, N. microcarpa n = 14, C. braunii n = 14].
IMAHORI, K. & PROCTOR, V.W., 1967. An approach to the experimental taxonomy of Charas. (A fresh-water algae). Science Reports, College of general Education Osaka University 16: 25-35, 1 fig., 3 pl. [C. evoluta, C. longifolia, C. buckellii, Nitellopsis bulbilifera].
IMAHORI, K. & SINHA, J.P., 1964. Notes on the Asiatic Charophyta IV. Specimens from Ranchi (India) and Nepal. Advancing Frontiers of Plant Sciences 8: 55-68, 7 figs., 4 pl. [N. acuminata, N. mucronata, N. pseudoflabellata, N. gracilis, N. hyalina, C. vulgaris, C. globularis, C. setosa, C. zeylanica, C. braunii, C. corallina, C. fibrosa].
IMAHORI, K. & SUGA, H., 1953. Preliminary note on the succession and distribution of Characeae in the Lake Kizaki, Japan. Journal of Japanese Botany 33: 240-244, 4 figs. (1 distribution map). [Japanese, english summary, latin description of new species] [N. minispora n. spec., N. flexilis, C. braunii].
IMAHORI, K. & SUGA, H., 1960. Characeous vegetation study of Lake Kizaki, Japan. Science Reports of the Kanazawa University 7: 85-105, 11 figs. (1 map, 2 distribution maps), 4 pl. [C. braunii, N. flexilis, N. minispora].
IMAHORI, K., 1949. Notes on the Asiatic Charophyta. Botanical Magazine 62: 1-4, 8 figs. [Nitella stabilis n. spec., N. graciliformis, N. tenuissima, N. leptodactyla].
IMAHORI, K., 1950b. Notes on the Asiatic Charophyta II. Botanical Magazine 63: 260-264, fig. 2. [Tolypella gracilis n. spec., Chara pseudo-hydropitys n. spec., C. hydropitys, C. brachypus, C. pseudo-brachypus].
IMAHORI, K., 1951. Studies on the Charophyta in Formosa (I). Science Reports of the Kanazawa University 1: 201-221, 1 fig. (map), 3 pl. [Key] [Nitella axilliformis n. spec., 8 Nitella, 11 Chara species].
IMAHORI, K., 1953b. Studies on the Charophyta in Formosa. Science Reports of the Kanazawa University 2: 115-137, 7 pl. [Key] [C. braunii, C. corallina, C. hydropitys, C. benthamii, C. gymnopitys, C. pseudo-hydropitys, C. vulgaris, C. zeylanica, C. globularis, C. brachypus, C. pseudo-brachypus].
IMAHORI, K., 1953c. Studies on the Asiatic Charophyta III. Botanical Magazine 66 (783-784): 216-221, fig. 3-4. [Nitella Tuyamae n. spec., Nitella Allenii n. spec., N. flagellifera, N. laxa, N. flexilis, N. confervacea].
IMAHORI, K., 1953d. Miscellaneous papers on the East Asiatic Charophyta 4. (12) Some new heterodactylous plants from Japan. Journal of Japanese Botany 28: 257-266, fig. 5-8. [Key, japanese] [Nitella stricta n. spec., Nitella crispa n. spec., Nitella spinosa n. spec., Nitella Shinii n. spec., Nitella sejuncta n. spec., Nitella Horikawae n. spec., N. pulchella].
IMAHORI, K., 1954a. Ecology, Phytogeography and Taxonomy of the Japanese Charophyta. Kanazawa University, Kanazawa.. Reprint 1977, O. Koeltz, Koenigstein. VII + 234 (235) pp., 66 figs. (56 distribution maps), 41 pl., 27 tab. [Excellent plates] [Key] [Nitella pusilla n. spec., Nitella erecta n. spec., Nitella inversa n. spec., Nitella robusta n. spec.] [8 Chara, 46 Nitella species, Tol. gracilis].
IMAHORI, K., 1954b. Similarity between the Characeae of Formosa and Philippine Islands. Acta Phytotaxonomica et Geobotanica 15: 123-128. [9 Nitella, 12 Chara species].
IMAHORI, K., 1954c. Miscellaneous papers on the East Asiatic Charophyta (5): 13. Some Charas from Amami and Tokari Islands. 14. Charophyte-flora in Okinawa islands. Journal of Japanese Botany 29: 153-159. [Japanese, english summary] [C. corallina, C. braunii, C. vulgaris, C. delicatula, C. gymnopitys, C. benthamii, C. flaccida, N. axilliformis].
IMAHORI, K., 1955. Phytogeographical survey on Charophyte-flora in the Ryukyu Islands. Science Reports of the Kanazawa University 3: 93-99, 1 fig. (2 distribution maps). [C. braunii, C. corallina, C. benthamii, C. gymnopitys, C. vulgaris, C. zeylanica, C. sejuncta, N. acuminata, N. horikawae, N. axilliformis, N. pseudoflabellata].
IMAHORI, K., 1957a. Similarity between the Characeae of Formosa and the Philippines. Proceedings of the Eighth Pacific Science Congress 4: 563-568.
IMAHORI, K., 1957b. Study on the Charophytes-flora in Hokkaido (Japan) and its phytogeographical characteristics. Science Reports of the Kanazawa University 5: 55-83, 3 figs. (maps), 7 pl. [Key] [N. opaca, N. flexilis, N. morongii, N. rigida, N. microcarpa, Tol. gracilis, C. braunii, C. globularis, + distribution data on 31 Nitella & 5 Chara species].
IMAHORI, K., 1960. On the significance of the Masamune's line, from the view point of Charraceous distribution. Journal of Geobotany 8: 63-67, 2 figs. (maps). [Japanese, english summary] [40 Nitella, 8 Chara species, Tol. gracilis, Nitellopsis obtusa].
IMAHORI, K., 1962. A dispersal factor of Charophytes (fresh-water Algae). Acta Phytotaxonomica et Geobotanica 20: 282-284, 1 fig. (map). [Japanese, english summary].
IMAHORI, K., 1963a. Contributions to the east Asiatic Charophytes (1) Japan. Science Reports of the Tôhoku University, Fourth Series, Biology 29: 153-164, 5 figs. [C. globularis, C. zeylanica, C. australis, C. fibrosa, Lamp. succinctum, Nitellopsis obtusa, N. mirabilis, N. dualis, N. mucronata, N. pseudoflabellata, N. stabilis, N. annularis].
IMAHORI, K., 1963b. Definition of species with reference to feature of monoecism or dioecism in Characeae - Preliminary. Science reports, College of General Education Osaka University 11: 101-105. [C. australis, C. corallina].
INOUE, I., ISHIDA, N. & KOBATAKE, Y., 1973b. Studies of excitable membrane formed on the surface of protoplasmic drops isolated from Nitella: IV. Excitability of the drop membrane in various compositions of the external salt solution. Biochemica Biophysica Acta 330: 27-38.
INOUE, I., ISHIDA, N. & KOBATAKE, Y., 1974. Studies of excitable membrane formed on the surface of protoplasmic drops isolated from Nitella: V. Effect of the chemical modification of membrane proteins with SH reagents on excitability. Biochemica Biophysica Acta 367: 24-31.
INOUE, I., ISHIMA, Y., HORIE, H. & TAKENAKA, Y., 1971. properties of excitable membrane produced on the surface of protoplasmic drop in Nitella. Proceedings of the Japanese Academy 47: 549-553.
INOUE, I., UEDA,T. & KOBATAKE, Y., 1973a. Studies of excitable membrane formed on the surface of protoplasmic drops isolated from Nitella: I. Confirmation of surface membrane determined from the refractive index and from enzyme actions. Biochemica Biophysica Acta 298: 653-663.
IONESCU, V., 1975. Contributions to the knowledge of the Characeae from Roumania. Acta Botanica Horti Bucurestiensis 1974: 191-197. [12 Chara, 7 Nitella, 3 Tolypella species, Nitellopsis obtusa, Lychn. barbatus].
IONESCU-TECULESCU, V., 1967a. (Characeae in the north-east of Dobrudja and of the Balta Brailei). Acta Botanica Horti Bucurestiensis 1966: 253-268. [Roumanian, english summary] [C. vulgaris, C. globularis, C. braunii, Nitellopsis obtusa, N. syncarpa, N. mucronata (as N. furcata), N. tenuissima, N. gracilis, Tol. intricata].
IONESCU-TECULESCU, V., 1967b. (A new genus of the Characeae family [Lychnothamnus] in our country's flora). Acta Botanica Horti Bucurestiensis 1966: 269-275. [Roumanian, english summary]. Lychn. barbatus, N. mucronata, C. globularis].
IONESCU-TECULESCU, V., 1968. Characeen aus dem Donaudelta. Bulgarische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Zoologisches Institut, Limnologische Berichte der X. Jubiläumtagung Donauforschung, 10-20 Oktober 1966: 191-197. [Nitellopsis obtusa, N. gracilis, N. mucronata].
IRWIN, M., 1926. On the accumulation of dye in Nitella. Journal of general Physiology 8: 147-182. [N. flexilis].
IRWIN, M., 1930. Penetration of brilliant Cresyl Blue into Nitella flexilis. Journal of general Physiology 12:
ISLAM, M., 1989. Aquatic weeds of North-East India. International Book Distributors, Dehra Dun. 155 pp., 15 + 4 pl. [Chara p. 23, pl. I fig. 10; p. 24, N. hyalina, N. acuminata pl. 3 fig. 11].
ITZIGSOHN, H., 1850b. Stomata und Epithelium von Nitella syncarpa. Botanischer Zeitung 8: 767-769, pl. 8 fig. 1-3. [Detailed drawings of stomata-cells (!) with Nitella, probably some epiphytes].
ITZIGSOHN, H., 1850c. Wimperepithelium der Chara fragilis. Botanischer Zeitung 8: 769-770, pl. 8 fig. 4.
IVANOV, B.N., KURELL A,G.A. & YAGLOVA, L.G., 1975. (Diffusion of mineral ions through the cell wall of Nitella flexilis). Fiziol. Rast. 22: 125-130. [Russian, english summary].
IVANOV, B.N., KURELLA, G.A. & YAGLOVA, L.G., 1972. (Selective properties of isolated cell membrane of Nitella flexilis). Fiziol. Rast. 19: 693-698. [Russian, english summary] [english translation in: Soviet Plant Physiology 19: 585-589].
IVERSEN, J., 1929. Studien über die pH-Verhältnisse dänischer Gewässer und ihren Einfluss auf die Hydrophyten-Vegetation. Botanisk Tidsskrift 40: 277-333. [Characeae p. 300 & pp. 332-333, C. aspera, C. contraria, C. foetida, C. fragilis, C. hispida, N. flexilis, N. opaca, N. translucens].
IWASAKI, N., 1961. Entwicklungsgeschichtliche Untersuchungen an den Characeen. I. Nitella inokasiraensis. Botanical Magazine Tokyo 74: 211-219.
IYENGAR, M.O.P., 1958. Nitella terristris sp. nov. a terrestrial Charophyte from South India. Bulletin of the Botanical Society of Bengal 12: 85-90. [Nitella terrestris n. spec].


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