LA RIVERS, J., Algae of the Western Great Basin. Bioresources Center, Desert Research Institute University of Nevada System. Publication no. 50008. 390 pp., 343 figs. [Key] [Charophyceae pp. 125-129, fig. 128-133; N. opcaca, C. contraria, C. delicatula, C. evoluta, C. vulgaris, C. zeylanica].
LABH, L. & VERMA, B.N., 1966. New counts for Chara fibrosa complex. Cytologia 51: 185-191.
LACHAVANNE, J.B. & PERFETTA, J., 1985. Les macrophytes du Lac de Zurich. Matériaux pour le levé géobotanique de la Suisse, Fasc. 61, pp. 1-79, 4 figs. (1 map, 1 distribution map), 1 aerial photo, 25 distribution maps. [English summary] [C. vulgaris, C. globularis, Nitellopsis obtusa].
LACHAVANNE, J.B. & WATTENHOFER, R., 1975. Contribution à l'étude des Macrophytes du Léman. Commission Internationale pour la Protection des Eaux du Léman contre la Pollution, Conservatoire botanique de Genève, Genève. 147 pp., 8 figs. (1 map, 1 distribution map), 1 folded map, 1 aerial photo, 42 distribution maps, 25 unnumbered figs.. [English summary] [C. aspera, C. contraria, C. delicatula, C. globularis, C. hispida, C. tomentosa, C. vulgaris, N. flexilis, N. hyalina, N. syncarpa, Nitellopsis obtusa].
LACHAVANNE, J.B., 1977. Contribution a l'étude des macrophytes du Léman. Thèse Fac. des Sciences Université de Genève no. 1760. Texte condensée pp. 1-71, 8 figs. (2 maps, 1 distribution map), 2 aerial photo's, 3 pl., 10 unnumbered figs., 11 distribution maps. [C. aspera, C. contraria, C. delicatula, C. fragilis, C. hispida, C. tomentosa, C. vulgaris, N. capillaris, N. flexilis, N. hyalina, N. mucronata, N. opaca, N. syncarpa, Nitellopsis obtusa].
LACOURSIÈRE, E. & GRANDTNER, M.M., 1972. Les groupements ripariens entre Sainte-Famille et la pointe d'Argentenaye, Île d'Orléans, Quebec. Naturaliste Canadien 99: 469-507. [N. tenuissima].
LAKEMAN, R.C., 1976. Water- en oeverplanten van het noordwestelijk deel van de Vinkeveense plassen. In: P.A. Bakker e.a. (red.) - De noordelijke Vechtplassen, flora en fauna. pp. 371-383, 4 maps (3 distribution maps). Commissie voor de Vecht en het oostelijk en westelijk plassengebied. 393 pp., figs. [Dutch] [C. aspera, C. contraria, C. globularis, C. hispida, C. vulgaris, N. mucronata, Nitellopsis obtusa, Tol. intricata].
LANFRANCO, E., 1969. A revised checklist of Maltese algae. Sliema. 24 pp. [C. fragilis, C. vulgaris, C. foetida, C. gymnophylla, N. flexilis, Tol. nidifica].
LANG, G. & DÜTSCHLER, W., 1970. Farbluftbilder und Gewässerschutz. CIBA-GEIGY Photochemie A.G. 10 pp., pl. [C. aspera, C. contraria, C. tomentosa].
LANG, G., 1973a. Die Makrophytenvegetation in der Uferzone des Bodensees unter besonderer Berücksichtigung ihres Zeigerwertes für den Gütezustand. Internationale Gewässerschutzkommission für den Bodensee, Bericht Nr. 12. 67 pp., 25 figs. (4 maps, 44 distribution maps) [C. aspera, C. contraria, C. tomentosa, C. delicatula, C. dissoluta, C. fragilis, C. hispida, C. imperfecta, C. vulgaris, N. capillaris, N. flexilis, N. hyalina, N. opaca, N. syncarpa, Nitellopsis obtusa, Tol. glomerata].
LANG, G., 1973b. Die Vegetation des westlichen Bodenseegebietes. Pflanzensoziologie 17. Gustav Fischer Verlag, Jena. 451 pp., 40 figs. (10 maps, 28 distribution maps), 16 pl. [N. hyalina, Nitellopsis obtusa, C. aculeolata, C. aspera, C. contraria, C. foetida, C. fragilis, C. hispida, C. intermedia, C. tomentosa].
LANG, G., 1990. Die Vegetation des westlichen Bodenseegebietes. 2e Auflage. Gustav Fischer Verlag, Stuttgart-New York. 462 pp., 41 figs. (10 maps, 34 distribution maps), 16 pl. [N. hyalina, Nitellopsis obtusa, C. aculeolata, C. aspera, C. contraria, C. foetida, C. fragilis, C. hispida, C. intermedia, C. tomentosa].
LANGANGEN, A., 1971. Chara-lakes of protective values in southern Norway. Blyttia 29: 119-131. [Norwegian, english summary] [C. tomentosa, C. aculeolata, C. contraria, C. rudis, C.strigosa, C. aspera, C. globularis].
LANGANGEN, A., 1972a. Die Characeen-vegetation auf den Hvaler-Inseln, südost Norwegen. Blyttia 30: 1-13. [Lamp. papulosum, Tol. nidifica, C. canescens, C. aspera, C. aculeolata, C. vulgaris, C. hispida, C. globularis].
LANGANGEN, A., 1972b. The Charophyta of Island. Astarte 5: 27-31. [N. opaca, N. flexilis, C. globularis].
LANGANGEN, A., 1974. Ecology and distribution of Norwegian Charophytes. Norwegian Journal of Botany 21: 31-52, 27 figs. (1 map, 16 distribution maps). [7 Nitella, 2 Tolypella, 10 Chara species, Lamp. papulosum].
LANGANGEN, A., 1991. Nyborgtjern pa Hadeland, en kransalgesjø som bør vernes. Blyttia 49: 11-15. [Norwegian] [C. tomentosa, C. contraria, C. aculeolata].
LANGANGEN, A., 1993. Some morphological and ecological observations on Chara canescens (Charophyte). Cryptogamie, Algologie 14: 215-220.
LANGANGEN, A., 1994. Tolypella normaniana Nordstedt, a little known charophyte from northern Norway. Cryptogamie, Algologie 15: 221-236, 15 figs. (1 map, 1 distribution map). [Tol. normaniana n = c. 20, C. aspera].
LANGANGEN, A., 1996. Sjeldne og truete kransalger i Norge (Rare and threatened charophytes in Norway). Blyttia 53: 23-30. [Norwegian, english summary] [Red list] [5 Chara, 5 Nitella, 3 Tolypella species, Lamprothamnium papulosum].
LANGANGEN, A., 1997a. Flere kalksjøer I Troms (Additional Chara-lakes in Troms, North Norway). Polarflokken 21: 69-72, 1 fig., 1 table. [Norwegian, english summary] [C. contraria, C. delicatula, C. aspera, C. strigosa, C. rudis].
LANGANGEN, A., 1997b. The charophyte Nitella translucens (Pers.) Ag. found in lake Hanangervannet, Farsund. Blyttia 55 (1): 35-38. [N. translucens].
LANGANGEN, A., BLINDOW, I. & KOISTINEN, M., 1997. Tolypella canadensis Sawa (Charophyceae), a charophyte new to the flora of Finland. Memoranda Societatis pro Fauna et Flora Fennica 73: 53-56, 1 fig., 1 distribution map. [Tol. canadensis].
LANGANGEN, A., HANSEN, J.B. & MANN, H., 1996. The charophytes of Greenland. Cryptogamie, Algologie 17: 239-257, 1 fig., 9 distribution maps. [N. flexilis, N. opaca, C. canescens, C. contraria, C. globularis, C. delicatula, C. baltica, Tol. canadensis, Tol. nidifica].
LANGER, W., 1975. Die Kontaktmikroradiographie in der Mikropaläontologie. Dechniana 127: 215-219, 1 pl.
LANGER, W., 1976. Neufunde von Sycidium G. Sandberger (nova class. Charophyta ?) aus dem Devon der Eiffel. Paläontologischer Zeitschrift 50: 209-221.
LANNOYE, R.J., TARR, S.E. & DAINTY, J., 1970. The effect of pH on the ionic and electrical properties of the internodal cells of Chara australis. Journal of Experimental Botany 21: 543-551.
LATHWELL, D.J., BOULDIN, D.R. & GAYETTE, E.A., 1973. Growth and chemical composition of aquatic plants in twenty artificial wildlife marshes. New York Fish and Game Journal 20: 108-128.
LAUTERBORN, R., 1908. Bericht über die Ergebnisse der 3. biologische Untersuchung des Oberrheins auf der Strecke Basel-Mainz von 9. bis 22. August 1906. Arbeiten des Kaiserliches Gesundheitamt zu Berlin 28: 62-91. [Nitellopsis obtusa].
LAUTERBORN, R., 1910. Die Vegetation des Oberrheins. Verhandlungen der Naturhistorischen-Medischen Verein zu Heidelberg, N.F. 10: 450-502. [N. batrachosperma].
LAZAR, J., 1960. Alge Slovenije, seznam sladkovodnih vrst in Kljuc za dolocanje. (The Algae of Slovenia). Slovenska Akademija Znanosti in Umetnostii, razred za prirodoslovne in medicinske vede dela 10 pt. 4. Ljubljana. 279 pp., 851 figs. [Slovenian, english summary] [Key] [Charophyta pp. 256-260, fig. 834-851: 7 Nitella, 12 Chara species].
LAZAR, J., 1975. Raz_irjenost sladkovodnih alg v Sloveniji (Widespread of fresh-water algae in Slovenia). Slovenska Akademija Znanosti in Umetnosti, razred za prirodoslovne vede. Ljubljana. 83pp., 1 map. [Slovenian, english summary] [Charophyta p. 80: N. capilaris, N. flexilis, N. gracilis, N. mucronata, N. opaca, C. aspera, C. contraria, C. delicatula, C. dissoluta, C. foetida, C. fragilis, C. gymnophylla, C. hispida, C. rudis, Lychn. barbatus].
LEACH, G.J. & OSBORNE, P.L., 1985. Freshwater plants of Papua New Guinea. University of Papua New Guinea Press, Port Moresby. XV + 254 pp., 59 figs. (4 maps), 32 pl. [Characeae pp. 25-32, fig. 5; C. australis, C. fibrosa, C. globularis, C. setosa, Lychn. barbatus, N. cristata, N. furcata, N. pseudoflabellata].
LEACH, S.J., POLLOCK, K. & LANSDOWN, R.V., 1999. Tolypella prolifera discovered in Somerset (V.C. 6). BSBI News 80: 28-29. [Tol. prolifera].
LEBRUN, J., NOIRFALISE, A., HEINEMANN, P. & VAN DEN BERGHEN, C., 1949. Les associations végétales de Belgique. Bulletin de la Societé Royale de Belgique 82; 105-207. [C. hispida & C. aspera in Ass. à Potamogeton coloratus].
LEE SU, K. & STABA, E.J., 1972. Aquatic plants from Minnesota. Part 1 - Chemical survey. Water Resources Research Center, University of Minnesota Bulletin 46. 50 pp. [Alkaloids, Flavonoids, Lipids & others in C. vulgaris].
LEENTVAAR, P. & HIGLER, L.W.G., 1962. Hydrobiologische waarnemingen op Ameland. De Levende Natuur 65: 257-262. [Dutch] [C. canescens].
LEENTVAAR, P. & HIGLER, L.W.G., 1966. Duinplas de Muy op Texel. De Levende Natuur 69: 110-115. [Dutch].
LEENTVAAR, P. & MÖRZER BRUIJNS, M.F., 1962. De verontreiniging van de Loosdrechtse Plassen en haar gevolgen. De Levende Natuur 65: 42-48. [Dutch] [Nitellopsis obtusa].
LEENTVAAR, P., 1961. Hydrobiologische waarnemingen in het Veluwemeer. De Levende Natuur 64: 273-279. [Dutch] [Nitellopsis obtusa (as Chara sp.)].
LEENTVAAR, P., 1966. Plant en dier in het Veluwemeer. Waterkampioen 38: 18-20. [Dutch].
LEENTVAAR, P., 1976. Hydrobiologie van het Naardermeer. In: P.A. Bakker e.a. (red.) - De noordelijke Vechtplassen, flora en fauna. pp. 65-91. Commissie voor de Vecht en het oostelijk en westelijk plassengebied. 393 pp., figs. [Dutch] [C. aspera, N. hyalina, Nitellopsis obtusa].
LEFEBVRE, J. & GILLET, C., 1971. Effects des cations externes sur l'activité des chlorures cytoplasmic dosés par l'électrode Ag-AgCl introduite dans la cellule de Nitella. Biochimica Biophysica Acta 249: 556 [N. flexilis].
LEFEBVRE, J. & GILLET, C., 1973. Réversibilité de la réponse du potentiel de membrane chez Nitella flexilis à des variations de pH. Experientia 29: 1489-1519.
LEFEBVRE, J. & GILLET, C., 1974. Effect of pH on the membrane potential and electric resistance of Nitella flexilis in the presence of Calcium. Journal of Experimental Botany 24; 1024-1030.
LELACQ, A.L., 1909. Note sur Nitella confervacea A. Br. Bulletin de la Société des Sciences naturelle de Rouen 64: 235-242.
LEVY, A. & LUCAS, G., 1971. Remarques sur le rôle de Charophytes dans les milieux margino-littoraux. Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences á Paris, sér. D 272: 2527-2530. [C. aspera, Lamp. papulosum].
LI, Y.J., 1985. (Some new taxa of Nitella from Guangdong, China). Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica 23: 153-160, 8 figs. [Chinese, latin description, english summary] [N. sessilis n. spec., N. guangdonensis n. spec., N. flagelliformis, N. brevidactyla, N. pakistanica, N. bengalensis, N. madagascariensis, N. tenuissima].
LINDAU, G., 1914. Kryptogamenflora für Anfänger. Band 4. Die Algen, Abt. II. Julius Springer, Berlin. XXVI + 200 pp., fig. I-VII, 16 pl. (fig. 1-430) [Key] [Charophyta pp. XVI-XX, fig. VI-VII, pp. 172-188, fig. 416-430; 9 Nitella, 4 Tolypella, 22 Chara species, Nitellopsis obtusa (as Tolypellopsis stelligera), Lamp. papulosum].
LINDEMAN, J.C., 1969. Gekleurde vegetatiekaart van de Molenpolder 1950-1951. Bijlage bij: P.L. Leentvaar et. al. (red.) - De zuidelijke Vechtplassen, flora en fauna. Commissie voor de Vecht en het Oostelijk en Westelijk Plassengebied.
LINNAEUS, C. (C. von Linné), 1753. Species Plantarum etc. Stockholm.
LITTLEFIELD, L. & FORSBERG, C., 1965. Absorption and translocation of Phosphorus-32 by Chara globularis Thuill. Physiologia Plantarum 18; 291-296.
LLIMONA, X., BALLESTROS, E., BRUGUÉS, M., COMÍN, F.A., CROS, R.M., MOLERO, J., ROMERO, J., TOMÀS, X. & TORELLA, F., 1985. Plantes inferiors. Història Naturel dels Països catalans. Vol. 4. Enciclopèdia Catalana, Barcelona. 558 pp., 503 pl. [Charophyceae pp. 185-189, 333-344, 516, pl. 162; 14 Chara, 8 Nitella, 2 Tolypella species, Lamp. papulosum, Nitellopsis obtusa].
LOBIN, W. & GROH, K., 1980. Die kapverdischen Inseln, ein Reisebericht II. Natur und Museum 110: 289-304.
LOHAMMER, G., 1938. Wasserchemie und höhere Vegetation schwedischer Seen. Symbolae Botanicae Upsaliensis 3: 1-252.
LOISELEUR DESLONGCHAMPS, J.L.A., 1828. Flora Gallica. seu enumeratio plantarum inGallia sponte nascentium, secundum Linnæanum systema digestarum, addita familiarum Naturalium synopsi. vol. 1 & 2. ed. 2. J.B. Baillière, Paris. Vol. 1: XXXIV & 407 pp.; Vol. 2: 496 pp., 31 pl. [Key] [Characeae vol. 1 p. xxxiii; vol. 2 pp. 355-357; C. vulgaris, C. tomentosa, C. fragilis, C. delicatula, C. capillacea, C. hispida, C. canescens, C. intertexta, C. decipiens, (Nitella & Tolypella as Chara) Tol. glomerata, N. tenuissima, N. flexilis, N. translucens, N. batrachosperma, N. syncarpa, Nitellopsis obtusa (as Chara)].
LOSCH, H., Über das Vorkommen eines 2. Hüllquirls an den Eiknospen von Chara foetida. Berichten der Deutschen Botanischen Gesellschaft 30: 516-522, 10 figs.
LUCAS, W.J. & SMITH, F.A., 1973. The formation of alkaline and acid regions at the surface of Chara corallina cells. Journal of Experimantal Botany 24: 1-14.
LUCAS, W.J., 1975. Analysis of the diffusion symmetry developed by the alkaline and acid bands wich form at the surface of Chara corallina cells. Journal of Experimantal Botany 26: 271-286.
LUCHINI, L., 1974. Diatomeas epifitas de algunas macrofitas del lago Situacion (Prov. Chubut). Physis Secc. B, Aguas Cont. org. 33: 127-139. [Spanish, english summary] [Diatoms on N. flexilis].
LÜLING, H.K., 1978. Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse des Forschungsaufenthaltes Dr. H.K. Lüling in Argentinien 1975. Zoologische Anzeiger 201: 129-208. [C. vulgaris].
LÜLING, H.K., 1983. Die Wiederentdeckung des Patagonischen Messingsalmers Gymnocharacinus bergii und seine Lebensweise. Natur und Museum 113: 112-118. [C. vulgaris].
LUNDEGÅRDH-ERICSON, C., 1972. Changes during four years in the aquatic macrovegetation in a Flad in N. Stockholm Archipelago. Svensk Botanisk Tidskrift 66: 207-225. [C. tomentosa, C. baltica, C. aspera].
LUNDH, A., 1947. Chara stelligera Bauer åter funnen i Råbelöwssjön och Levrasjön. Botanisk Notiser 1947: 81. [Swedish] [Nitellopsis obtusa].
LUNDH, A., 1951. Studies on the vegetation and hydrochemistry of Scanian Lakes. I. Higher aquatic vegetation. Botaniske Notiser, Supplement 2: 1-142. [C. aspera, C. fragilis, C. contraria, C. hispida, C. rudis].
LUNDH, A., 1951b. Some aspects of the higher aquatic vegetation in the lake Ringsjön in Scania. Botanisk Notiser 1951: 21-31, 3 figs. (1 map). [C. aspera, C. fragilis, C. contraria, C. hispida, C. rudis, Nitellopsis obtusa (as C. stelligera), N. opaca].
LUTHER, H., 1951a. Verbreitung und Ökologie der höheren Wasserpflanzen im Brackwasser der Ekenäs-Gegend in Südfinnland.I. Allgemeiner Teil. Acta Botanica Fennica 49. Societatis pro Fauna et Flora Fennica.Akademische Buchhandlung, Helsingfors. 231 pp., 5 figs., 4 pl., 100 maps (95 distribution maps). [N. Wahlbergiana, N. Nordstedtiana, N. flexilis, Tol. nidifica, C. braunii, C. canescens, C. tomentosa, C. baltica, C. aspera, C. fragilis, Nitellopsis obtusa].
LUTHER, H., 1951b. Verbreitung und Ökologie der höheren Wasserpflanzen im Brackwasser der Ekenäs-Gegend in Südfinnland. II.Spezieller Teil. Acta Botanica Fennicae 50. Societatis pro Fauna et Flora Fennica. Akademische Buchhandlung, Helsingfors. 370 pp., 1 map. [Characeen pp. 309-353: N. flexilis, N. Wahlbergiana, N. Nordstedtiana, Tol. nidifica, Nitellopsis obtusa, C. aspera, C. braunii, C. canescens, C. tomentosa, C. baltica, C. fragilis].


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