MACAN, T.T., 1970. Biological studies of the English lakes. Longman, London. XVI & 260 pp. [N. flexilis, N. opaca, C. fragilis].
MACDONALD, M.B. & HOTCHKISS, A.T., 1956. An estipulodic form of Chara australis R. Br. (= Protochara australis Woms. & Ophel). Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 80: 274-284, pl. 9-10, fig. 1-6. [C. australis n = 14, C. meulleri, C. gymnopitys, N. gloeostachys, N. lhotskyi, N. gelatinosa, N. cristata, Lamp. macropogon].
MACGREGOR, M.E., 1924. Tests with Chara foetida and Chara hispida on the development of mosquito larvae. Parasitology 1924:
MAIER, E.X., 1972. De Kranswieren (Charophyta) van Nederland. Wetenschappelijke Mededelingen KNNV 93. 44pp., 12 pl., 12 figs. [Dutch, english summary] [Key] [Nitella gillissens n. spec.] [9 Chara, 8 Nitella, 3 Tolypella species, Nitellopsis obtusa].
MAIER, E.X., 1973. The female gametangium of Tolypella nidifica A. Br.: a misinterpretation. Acta Botanica Neerlandica 22: 463-466, 1 fig. [C. vulgaris, Tol. nidifica, N. flexilis].
MÄKIRINTA, U., 1978. Die Pflanzensoziologische Gliederung der Wasservegetation im See Kukkia, Südfinnland. Acta Universitatis Ouluensis, ser. A 75, Biol. 5: 1-157, 21 figs. (12 distribution maps). [N. wahlbergiana, N. flexilis, C. globularis].
MANN, H., 1989. Charophytes of Insular Newfoundland. Canadian Field Naturalist 103: 34-42.
MANN, H., 1994. The genus Tolypella (Characeae) in Insular Newfoundland. Canadian Field Naturalist 108: 297-304.
MANN, H., 1998. Newfoundland Charophytes. In: D.W. Anions & A.R. Berger (ed.) - Assessing the state of the environment of Gros Morne National park. pp. 74-77, 1 fig. Parks Canada-Ecosystem Science Review Reports, Parcs Canada-dossiers en matière de sciences des écosystemes no. 011.IX & 141 pp. [11 Charophyte species].
MANN, H., V.W. PROCTOR & A.S. TAYLOR, 1999. Towards a Biogeography of North American Charophytes. Australian Journal of Botany 47 (3): 445-458.
MARCINKIEWICZ, T., 1979. Oogonia - gyrogonity. In: Buduwa geologiczna Polski, Tom. 3. Atlas skamienialo'sci przewodnich i charakterystycznych cz. za. Mezozoik-Trias. Instytut Geologiczny Warszawa Wydawnictwa geologiczne. pp. 157-159. [Polish].
MARGALEF, R., 1947. Limnosociologica. Monografias de Ciencias Modernas No.10, Instituto Español de Edafologia, Ecologia y Fisiologia vegetal No. 4. 93pp. [Spanish] [p. 51 C. hispida in Charetum hispidae].
MARGALEF, R., 1952. Materiales para la hidrobiología de la isla de Menorca. Publ. Inst. Biol. Apl. 11: 5-112. [Spanish] [C. aspera, C. canescens, C. fragilis, C. galioides, C. hispida, C. vulgaris, Tol. glomerata, Lamp. papulosum].
MARISTO, L., 1941. Die Seetypen Finnlands auf floristischer und vegetationsphysiognomischer Grundlage. Dissertation Universität Helsinki. IV & 312 pp., tab. Also: Annales Botanici Societatis Zoologicæ-Botanicæ Fennicæ 15: 1-312, 26 figs., 5 maps. [N. flexilis, N. wahlbergiana, C. strigosa, C. fragilis].
MASLOV, V.P., 1963. (Introduction to the study of fossil Charophytes). Transactions of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Geological Institute 82: 1-104, 2 pl., 42 figs. [Russian] [C. fragifera].
MASON, R., 1956. A check list of New Zealand Charophytes. Transactions of the Royal Society of New Zealand 84; 269-271. [8 Nitella, 6 Chara species, Lamp. macropogon].
MATHESON, R. & HINMAN, E.H., 1978. Chara fragilis and mosquito development. American Journal of Hyg. 8:
MATHEWS, L.J., 1967. Further results of spraying lake weeds. In: V.J. Chapman & C. A. Bell (ed.) - Rotorua and Waikato water weeds: problems and the search for a solution. p. 76. University of Auckland, Auckland.
MATTOX, K.R. & STEWART, K.D., 1984. Classification of the green algae: a concept based on comparative cytology, pp. 29-72. In: D.E.G. Irvine and D.M. John (eds.). Systematics of the Green Algae. Academic Press, London.
MAY, V., 1981. Freshwater Algae. In: G.R. Sainty & S.W.L. Jacobs - Waterplants of New South Wales. pp. 446-460. Water Resources Commision New South Wales. 550 pp., figs., photogr., distribution maps. [Characeae pp. 450-451, fig. p. 450].
MCCONNAUGHEY, T., 1991. Calcification in Chara corallina: CO2 hydroxylation generates protons for bicarbonate assimilation. Limnology Oceanography 36: 619-628.
MCCOURT, R.M., KAROL, K.G., GUERLESQUIN, M. & FEIST, M., 1996. Phylogeny of extant genera in the family Characeae (Charales, Charophyceae) based on rbcL sequences and morphology. American Journal of Botany 83: 125-131, 4 figs. [C. connivens, Lamp. macropogon, Lych. barbatus, N. translucens, Nitellopsis obtusa, Tol. glomerata, Tol. prolifera].
MCCOURT, R.M., K.G. KAROL, M.T. CASANOVA & M. FEIST, 1999. Monophyly of genera and species of Characeae based on rbcL sequences, with special reference to Australian and European Lychnothamnus barbatus (Characeae: Charophyta). Australian Journal of Botany 47 (3): 361-369. [Lychnothamnus barbatus].
MCCRACKEN, M.D., PROCTOR, V.W. & HOTCHKISS, A.T., 1966. Attempted hybridization between monoecious and dioecious clones of Chara. American Journal of Botany 53: 937-940. [C. rusbyana, C. kenoyeri, C. sejuncta, C. zeylanica].
MCNICOL, M., 1907. The bulbils and pro-embryo of Lamprothamnus alopecuroides A. Braun. Annals of Botany 21: 61-70, pl. 8. [Lamp. papulosum].
MEESE, D., 1760. Flora Frisica of lyst der planten welke in de Provincie Friesland in het wild gevonden worden. Jacob Brouwer, Franeker. [Dutch] [p. 75: C. vulgaris, C. hispida].
MEIERS, S.T., V.W. PROCTOR & R.L. CHAPMAN, 1999. Phylogeny and biogeography of Chara (Charophyta) inferred from 18S rDNA sequences. Australian Journal of Botany 47 (3): 347-360.
MEIJER, M.-L. & HOSPER, H., 1997. Effects of biomanipulation in the large and shallow Lake Wolderwijd, The Netherlands. Hydrobiologia 342/343: 335-349.
MEIJER, T., 1988. Vallonia declivis Sterki, 1892 in Nederland. Contactblad van de Nederlandse Malacologische Vereniging 243: 440-441. [Dutch] [Oospores in clay].
MEIJER, W., 1955. Waterplanten- en oevervegetaties. In: W. Meijer & R. de Wit - Kortenhoef een veldbiologische studie van een Hollands verlandingsgebied. pp. 22-44. Commissie voor de Vecht en het Oostelijk en Westelijk plassengebied, Amsterdam. 128 pp., 4 pl., 20 photogr., 2 maps [Dutch] [p. 23; C. fragilis, Nitellopsis obtusa].
MELTZER, J. & WESTHOFF, V., 1942. Inleiding tot de Plantensociologie. Bibliotheek van de Nederlandse Natuurhistorische Vereniging nr. 6. G.W. Breughel, 's-Graveland. 326 pp., 6 figs., 37 photogr. [Dutch] [Characeae p. 145 & 288, N. flexilis].
MELZER, A., 1976. Makrophytische Wasserpflanzen als Indikatoren des Gewässerzustandes oberbayerischer Seen. Dissertationes Botanicae 34. Cramer, Vaduz. V & 195 pp., 30 figs., 29 maps (23 distribution maps). [Characeen pp. 108-121 & 160-166, C. aculeolata, C. contraria, C. fragilis, C. aspera, C. hispida, C. strigosa, C. tomentosa, C. vulgaris, N. opaca, Tol. glomerata, Nitellopsis obtusa].
MELZER, A., HARLACHER, R., HELD, K. & VOGT, E., 1988. Die Makrophytenvegetation des Ammer- Wörth- und Pilsensees sowie des Wesslinger Sees. Informationsberichte des Bayerisches Landesamtes für Wasserwirtschaft, München 1/88. 266 pp., 134 figs., 1 map. [C. aspera,C. contraria, C. fragilis, C. hispida, C. intermedia, C. tomentosa, C. vulgaris, Nitellopsis obtusa, Tol. glomerata].
MELZER, A., HARLACHER, R., HELD, K., SITCH, R. & VOGT, E., 1986. Die Makrophytenvegetation des Chiemsees. Informationsberichte des Bayerisches Landesamtes für Wasserwirtschaft, München 4/86. 210 pp., 1 map. [C. aspera, C. contraria, C. dlicatula, C. fragilis, C. tomentosa, C. vulgaris, N. opaca, N. syncarpa, Nitellopsis obtusa, Tol. glomerata].
MENDÈS, E.J., 1947. Uma espécie nova para o gen. Chara, L. Portugaliae Acta Biologicae, ser B 2: 286-288, pl. 1. [Chara arrudensis n. spec.].
MENDÈS, E.J., 1948. Notas criptogamicas. III. Carofitos I. Portugaliae Acta Biologicae, ser B 2: 432-435.
MENENDEZ, M. & A. SANCHEZ, 1998. Seasonal variations in P-I responses of Chara hispida L. and Potamogeton pectinatus L. from streams mediterranean ponds. Aquatic Botany 61 (1): 1-15. [C. major].
MERCER, M.J. & MERCER, F.V., 1971. Studies on the comparative physiology of Chara corallina. III. Nitrogen relations of internodal cell components during internodal cell expansion. Australian Journal of Botany 19: 1-12.
MERIAUX, J.L., 1978. Etude analytique et comparative de la végétation aquatique d'étangs et marais du nord de la France (Vallée de la Sensée et Bassin Houillier du Nord-Pas de Calais). Documents Phytosociologiques N.S. 3. Cramer, Vaduz. 244 pp., 13 figs., 13 maps. [C. contraria, C. crassicaulis, C. delicatula, C. globularis, C. hispida, C. major, C. polyacantha, C. vulgaris, N. flexilis, N. gracilis, N. mucronata].
MERIAUX, J.L., 1980. Irradiation de l'association a Carex curta Good. (= Carex canescens Merct.) at Agrostis canina L. dans le nord de la France. Colloques Phytosociologiques 7: 425-436.
MIERWALD, U., 1988. Die Vegetation der Kleingewässer landwirtschaftlich genutzter Flächen.Eine pflanzensoziologischen Studie aus Schleswig-Holstein. Mitteilungen der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Geobotanik in Schleswig-Holstein und Hamburg, Kiel, Heft 39. 286 pp. 23 figs., 4 maps. [pp. 68-71 Charatea fragilis C. vulgaris, C. fragilis, N. mucronata].
MIGULA, W., 1888. Ueber den Einfluss stark verdünnter Säurelösungen auf Algenzellen. Dissertation Universität Breslau. 38 + 1 pp., 2 pl. [Phycobrya (Characeae) Thesis II] [N. flexilis].
MIGULA, W., 1891. Die Algen. In: O. Zacharias (red.) - Die Tier- und Pflanzenwelt des Süsswassers. Band I. pp. 27-62. J.J. Weber, Leipzig. X & 380 pp., 79 figs. [Characeae pp. 59-61, C. canescens, C. foetida, Tol. prolifera].
MIGULA, W., 1909. Rhodophyceae, Phaeophyceae, Characeae. In: Kryptogamen-Flora von Deutschland, Deutsch-Österreich un der Schweiz. Bd. II Algen. 2. Teil. (Vol. 7 of O.W. Thomé - Flora von Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz). F. von Zezschwitz, Gera. 383 pp., 78 pl. [Key] [Characeae pp. 262-363, pl. 58-78, 12 Nitella, 6 Tolypella, 26 Chara, 2 Lamprothamnus species, Lych. barbatus, Nitellopsis obtusa (as Tolypellopsis stelligera)].
MIGULA, W., [as D.W. Migula] 1922. Meeresalgen und Armleuchter-Gewächse. Hilfsbuch zum Erkennen, Bestimmen, Sammeln, Untersuchen und Präparieren der am häufigsten vorkommenden Formen. Handbücher für die praktische naturwissenschaftliche Arbeit, Band XV. Frackh'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, Stuttgart. 91 pp., 10 pl. [Key] [Characeae pp. 56-62, pl. 8 fig. 14-25, 10 Nitella, 3 Tolypella, 15 Chara species, Nitellopsis obtusa, Lamp. papulosum, Lychn. barbatus].
MIGULA, W., [as D.W. Migula] 1925. Charophyta (Charales). In: A. Pascher - Die Süsswasser-Flora Deutschlands, Österreich und der Schweiz. Vol. 11. pp. 207-250, fig. 1-14. Jena. [Key] [12 Nitella, 4 Tolypella, 2 Lamprothamnium, 25 Chara species, Nitellopsis obtusa, Lychn. barbatus].
MIGULA, W., 1897 (1890-1897). Die Characeen Deutschlands, Oesterreichs un der Schweiz; Unter Berücksichtigung aller Arten Europas. L.Rabenhorst - Kryptogamenflora von Deutschland, Oesterreich und der Schweiz. 2. Aufl. Vol. 5. Verlag Eduard Kummer, Leipzig. VII & 765 pp., 149 figs. [Key] [13 Nitella, 6 Tolypella, 27 Chara species, Lamp. alopecuroides, Lychn. barbatus, Nitellopsis obtusa (as Tolypellopsis stelligera)].
MIHAI, G., 1967. Quelques aspects de la flore et de la végétation aquatique et palustre du bassin inférieur de la rivière du Baseu (Roumanie). Analele stiintifice ale Universitatii "Al. I. Cuze" ser. nov. sect. II 13: 153-166. [Roumanian, french summary].
MILNER, Y., 1972. Preparation of 14C labeled pectic acid and D-galacturonic-14C acid. Carbohydrate Research 25: 153-160. [C. globata].
MITCHELL, R.S., 1973. Effects of Radford Ammunition plant wastes on aquatic vegetation in the New River, Virginia. In: J. Cairns & K.L. Dickson - The effects of waste discharges from Radford Ammunition plant on the biota of the New River, Virginia. pp. 19-30. VPI-WRRC Bulletin 57.
MÖBIUS, M., 1889. Bearbeitung der von H. Schenck in Brasilien gesammelten Algen. Hedwigia 28: 309-347, pl. 10-11. [C. hornemannii].
MOESTRUP, O., 1970. The fine structure of mature spermatozoids of Chara corallina with special reference to microtubules and scales. Planta 93: 295-308.
MÖLLER, M. & WAGNER, H.G., 1996. Zum Vorkommen eineiger Characeen im Bereich des Wasserschlosses Neuhaus bei Paderborn. Natur und Heimat 56: 83-91, 3 figs. [C. contraria, C. vulgaris, N. mucronata].
MOORE, J.A. & GREENE, D.M., 1983. Provisional Atlas and Catalogue of British Museum (Natural History) specimens of the Characeae. Biological Records Centre, Abbots Ripton. 121 pp., 48 distribution maps. [17 Chara, 10 Nitella, 4 Tolypella species, Nitellopsis obtusa, Lamp. papulosum].
MOORE, J.A., 1986. Charophytes of Great Britain and Ireland. B.S.B.I. Handbook No. 5. Botanical Society of the British Isles, London. 140 pp., 24 pl., 24 figs, 17 distibution maps. [Key] [12 Chara, 8 Nitella, 4 Tolypella, Nitellopsis obtusa, Lamp. papulosum].
MOORE, P.D. & BELLAMY, D.J., 1974, 1976. Peatlands. Elek Science, London. ed. 1- 1974; ed. 2 - 1976. 221 pp.
MOORE, P.D. & CHATER, E.H., 1969. Studies in the vegetational history of mid-Wales. I. The post-glacial period in Cardiganshire. New Phytologist 68: 183-X.
MÖRZER BRUIJNS, M.F. & TIMMERMANS, A., 1953. Het Zwarte Meer. De Levende Natuur 56: 161-166. [Dutch] [Nitellopsis obtusa].
MÖRZER BRUIJNS, M.F., 1965. Over de malacofauna van het Naardermeer. Basteria 29: 36-43. [Dutch] [Nitellopsis obtusa].
MOSS, B., 1973. The influence of environmental factors on the distribution of freshwater algae: an experimnetal study. IV. Growth of test species in natural lake waters and conclusion. Journal of Ecology 61: 193-211.
MOTTIER, D.M., 1904. The development of the spermatozoid in Chara. Annals of Botany 18: 245-254, pl. 17. [C. fragilis].
MOUTSCHEN, J. & DAHMEN, M., 1956. Sur les modifications de la spermiogenèse de la Chara vulgaris L. induites par les rayons X. Revue de Cytologie et de Biologie végétale 17: 433-450.
MOUTSCHEN, J., DAHMEN, M. & GILLET, C., 1956. Sur les modifications induites par les hydrazides maléique et isonicotinique dans les anthérides de Chara vulgaris. La Cellule 58: 65-78.
MUKHERJEE, S. & NOOR, M.N., 1980. On a new charophyte from India. Hydrobiologia 68: 81-84. [Chara indica n. spec., non Bertero ex Sprengel 1827, see also: S. Mukherjee & M.N. Noor 1985].
MUKHERJEE, S. & NOOR, M.N., 1985. Chara biharensis a new name for C. indica. Hydrobiologia 120: 189-191.
MUKHOPADHYAY, A. & CHATTERJEE, P., 1980. Cytomorphology of Chara flaccida A. Br. from West Bengal. Cell and Chromosome Newsletter 3: 37-39.
MULDER, N., 1818. Elenchus plantarum, quae propre urbem Leidam nascuntur. S.J. Luchtmans, Lugduni Batavorum. [p. 91 C. vulgaris].
MÜLLER, F. [also as F. Mueller or F. von Müller], 1889. Notes on the geographical distribution of Australian Characeae. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia 12: 149.
MÜLLER, J., 1881. Les characées genevoises. Bulletin de la Société botanique de Genève 2: 42-96. [9 Nitella, 2 Tolypella (as Nitella), 11 Chara species] [described some new forms as: Müll. Arg. (Müller d'Argovie)].
MÜLLER, T., 1973. Klasse lemnetea R. Tx. 1955 (Lemnetea minoris). In: E. Oberdorfer (red.) - Süddeutsche Pflanzengesellschaften. Teil 1. 2. Auflage. (1977). Pflanzensoziologie 10: 67-77. Id. 3. Auflage. (1992). G. Fischer Verlag, Stuttgart. Id. 4. Auflage (1998). Fischer Verlag, Berlin & Stuttgart. [C. foetida, C. hispida].
MUNTING, A., 1672, 1682. Waare Oeffening der Planten ...etc. J. Rieuwertz, Amsterdam. 2e druk 1682. [Dutch] [Chara pp. 406- 407].
MUNTING, A., 1696. Naauwkeurige beschrijving der aardgewassen. P. v.d. Aa, Leiden. [Dutch] [Chara p. 563].
MUSACCHIO, E.A., 1971. Charophytas de la formacion la Amarga (Cretacico inferior) Provincia de Neuquen, Argentina. Revista del Museo de la Plata (N.S.) sec. Paleontologia 6: 19-38, 3 pl. [Spanish, english summary].
MUSACCHIO, E.A., 1972a. Charophytas de la formacion Yacoraite en tres cruces y yavi chico, Jujuy, Argentina. Ameghiniana 9: 223-237. [Spanish, english summary].
MUSACCHIO, E.A., 1972b. Carofitas del Cretacico inferior en sedimentitas "Chubutenses" al este de la Herreria, Chubut. Ameghiniana 9: 354-356. [Spanish, english summary].
MUSACCHIO, E.A., 1973. Charophytas y ostracodos no marinos del grupo Nuequen (Cretacico superior) en algunas afloramientos de las Provincas de Rio Negro y Neuquen, Republica Argentina. Revista del Museo de la Plata (N.S.) sec. Paleontologia 8: 1-32. [Spanish, english summary].
MUSIL, C.F., GRUNOW, J.O. & BORNMAN, C.H., 1973. Classification and ordination of aquatic macrophytes in the Pongolo River Pans, Natal. Bothalia 11: 181-190. [N. tenella].


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