PAL, B.P. & VENKATARUMAN, G.S., 1962. A note on the monoecious condition in the type specimen of Nitella annandalei Pal. Science & Culture 28: 194-195.
PAL, B.P., 1932. Burmese Charophyta. Journal of the Linnean Society London, Bot. 49(327): 47-92, pl. 8-18. [Nitella superba n. spec., Nitella globulifera n. spec., Nitella annandalei n. spec., Nitella elegans n. spec., Nitella burmanica n. spec., Nitella polycarpa n. spec., Chara nuda n. spec., Chara burmanica n. spec., Chara Grovesii n. spec., Chara handae n. spec., C. wallichii].
PAL, B.P., KUNDU, V.S., SUNDARALINGAM, V.S. & VENKATARAMAN, G.S., 1962. Charophyta. I.C.A.R. Monographs on algae vol 5. Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi. X + 130 pp.,19 + 270 figs. [Key] [37 Nitella, 3 Tolypella, 27 Chara species, Nitellopsis obtusa, Lychn. barbatus, Lamp. papulosum].
PALAMAREV, E., 1971. Fossile Charophyten aus der Unterkreide Nordbulgariens. Mitteilungen Botanisches Institut der Bulgarische Akademie der Wissenschaften 21: 145-160.
PALAMAREV, E., 1972a. Die Gattung Tectocahra im Pliozänbecken der Grube "Bolschewik". Mitteilungen Botanisches Institut der Bulgarische Akademie der Wissenschaften 22: 127-133.
PALAMAREV, E., 1972b. Tertiary Charophyta from Bulgaria. Comptes rendue de l'Académie Bulgarienne des Sciences 25: 1425-1427.
PALEVITZ, B.A. & HEPLER, P.K., 1975. Identification of actin in situ at the ectoplasm-endoplasm interface of Nitella: microfilament-chloroplast association. Journal of Cellular Biology 65: 29-38.
PALEVITZ, B.A., ASH, J.F. & HEPLER, P.K., 1974. Actin in the green Alga Nitella. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences U.S.A. 71: 363-366.
PANKNIN, W., 1941. Die Vegetation einiger Seen in der Umgebung von Joachimstal in der Uckermark, Kr. Angermünde (Grimnitzsee, Grosser Lubowsee, Dovinsee, Kleiner Lubowsee). Bibliotheca Botanica 119. E.Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, Stuttgart. 162 pp., fig. 1-54, 12 pl., 95 tables. [C. tomentosa, Nitellopsis obtusa].
PANKOW, H., 1971. Algenflora der Ostsee. I. Benthos (Blau-, Grün-, Braun- und Rotalgen). G. Fischer, Jena. 419 pp., 416 figs., pl. 1-100. [Key] [Charophyceae p. 129-140, fig. 140-158, pl. 17 fig. 1-2] [12 Chara, 3 Nitella species, Tol. nidifica, Lamp. papulosum, Nitellopsis obtusa].
PANKOW, H., 1990. Ostsee-Algenflora. Fischer, Jena. 648 pp., pl. 1-153 & 1-6, map. [Key] [Charophyceae pp. 416-424, pl. 105-106, 6 (11) Chara, 3 Nitella species, Tol. nidifica, Lamp. papulosum, Nitellopsis obtusa].
PARDEY,A.., 1992. Vegetationsentwicklung kleinflächiger Sekundargewässer. Dissertationes Botanicae 195. Cramer, Stuttgart. 178 pp., tables. [N. flexilis, C. vulgaris, C. fragilis].
PASSARGE, H., 1964. Pflanzengesellschaften des nordostdeutschen Flachlandes I. Pflanzensoziologie 13. G. Fischer, Jena. pp. I-XIV & 1-324, 92 tables, 10 distribution maps. [C. aspera, C. baltica, C. fragilis, C. tomentosa, C. foetida, C. hispida].
PATEL, R.J. & JAWALE, A.K., 1979. Chara pseudohydropitys Imah. a new record for India. Geobios 6: 181-183.
PATSCHOVSKY, N., 1919. Zur Ernährungs- und Entwicklungsphysiologie von Chara fragilis Desv. Berichte der Deutsche Botanische Gesellschaft 37: 404-411.
PATTE, E., 1972. La grotte sepulcrale du Laris Goguet à Feigneux (Oise). Anthropologie 76: 229-264.
PATTERSON, G.W., 1972. Sterols of Nietella flexilis and Chara vulgaris. Phytochemistry 11: 3481-3483.
PAYER, J., 1850. Botanique cryptogamique ou histoire des familles naturelles des plantes inférieures. V. Masson, Paris. pp. I-VI & 1-223, 1105 figs. [Charagnes pp. 36-39, fig. 168-176, C. foetida, C. translucens, C. vulgaris].
PECK, R.E., 1974. On the systematic position of the Umbellids. Journal of Paleontology 48: 409-414.
PEDROTTI, F., 1969. Contribution alla conoscenza delle Caracee dell'Italia centrale. Rivista di Idrobiologia 8: 83-87. [Italian, english summary] [C. vulgaris, C. aculeolata (as C. hispida), C. globularis, Nitellopsis obtusa, N. capillaris (as N. syncarpa var. capitata), N. mucronata (as N. furcata f. mucronata)].
PEEBLES, M.J., MERCER, F.V. & CHAMBERS, T.C., 1964. Studies on the comparative physiology of Chara australis. I. Growth pattern and gross cytology of the internodal cell. Australian Journal of Biological Sciences 17: 49-61, 6 figs., 1 pl.
PERSOON, C.H., 1807. Synopsis plantarum seu enchiridium Botanicum complectens enumerationem systematicam specierum hucusque cognitarum. vol. 2. Treuttel et Würtz, Paris, Cottam, Tübingen. 559 pp. [Chara pp. 530-531] [Chara translucens n. spec.] [C. vulgaris, C. funicularis, C. setosa, C.floiosa, C. zeylanica, C. squamosa, C. corallina,C. hispida, C. tomentosa, C. globularis, C. capillacea, C. batrachosperma, C. flexilis, C. syncarpa].
PÉTERFI, S. & IONESCU, A. (ed.), 1976. Tratat de Algologie. I. Academie Republici Socialiste România, Bucarest. 587 pp., 132 figs., tables. [Rumanian, english contents] [no index].
PETKOFF,S., 1913. Les Characées de Bulgarie. Revue de l'Académie Bulgare des Sciences 7: 1-44, Taf. I-III. [Bulgarian, latin descriptions of new forms. See also translation: PETKOFF 1914] [C. gymnophylla, C. foetida, C. braunii (as C.coronata), C. canescens (as C. crinita), C. hispida, C. fragilis, C. aspera, N. flexilis, N. mucronata, Tol. intricata].
PETKOFF,S., 1914. Les Characées de Bulgarie. Nuova Notarisia 25: 1-24. [Translation from Bulgarian]. PETKOFF 1913] [C. gymnophylla, C. foetida, C. braunii (as C.coronata), C. canescens (as C. crinita), C. hispida, C. fragilis, C. aspera, N. flexilis, N. mucronata, Tol. intricata].
PETTERSON, B., 1964. Notes on the ecology of Tolypella glomerata (Desv.) Leonh. Botaniska Notiser 117: 133-140.
PHILIPPI, G., 1973. Zur Kenntnis einiger R"hrichtgesellschaften des Oberrheingebietes. Beiträge zur naturkundlichen Forschung Südwest Deutschland 32: 53-95. [Chara sp. in Butometum umbellati].
PICKARD, W.F., 1974. Hydrodynamic aspects of protoplasmic streaming in Chara braunii. Protoplasma 82: 321-339.
PICKETT-HEAPS, J.D. & MARCHANT, H.J., 1972. The phylogeny of the green algae. Cytobios 6: 255-264, 8 figs. [C. fibrosa].
PICKETT-HEAPS, J.D., 1968. Ultrastructure and differentiation in Chara. IV. Spermatogenesis. Australian Journal of Biological Sciences 21: 655-690. [C. fibrosa].
PIETSCH, W., 1973a. Beitrag zur Gliederung der Europaischen Zwergbinschengesellschaften (Isoëto-Nanojuncetea Br.Bl. & Tx. 1943). Vegetatio 28: 401-438. [N. capillaris in Isoëtum adspersi].
PIETSCH, W., 1973b. Zur Soziologie und Ökologie der Zwergbinsen-Gesellschaften Ungarns (Klasse Isoeto-Nanojuncetea Br. Bl. & Tx. 1943). Acta Botanica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 19: 269-288.
PIETSCH, W., 1982. Makrophytische Indikatoren für die ökochemische Beschaffenheit der Gewässer. In: G. Breitig & W. von Tümpling (red.) - Ausgewählte Methoden der Wasseruntersuchung, Band 2. Biologische, mikrobiologische und toxikologische Methoden. Aufl. 2. p. 67-89. Fischer Verlag, Jena. [10 Chara, 7 Nitella species, Nitellopsis obtusa].
PIETSCH. W., 1985. Vegetation und Standortverhältnisse der Heidemoore der Lausitz. Verhandlungen der Zoologisch-Botanischen gesellschaft in Österreich 123: 75-98. [C. globularis, C. aspera].
PIETSCH, W., 1987. Zur Vegetation der Charetea-Gesellschaften der Mitteleuropäische Tiefebene. Studia Phytologica Nova, Pécs, 1987: 69-86. [13Chara, 6 Nitella species, Nitellopsis obtusa].
PLINSKI, M., 1973. Glony solnisk podleczyckich (The algae of salt marshes near Leczycu). monographiae Botanicae 39: 1-89. [Polish, english summary] [C. vulgaris, C. hispida].
POIGNANT, A.F., 1974. Les Algues calcaires fossiles: leur intérêt stratigraphique. Newsletter Stratigraphy 3: 181-192, 3 figs.
POPIOLEK, Z., 1971. Roslinosc wodna i przybrzezna jezior okolic Ostrowa Lubelskiego natle warunków siedliskowych Czesc I. Jezioro Kleszczów. (Aquatic and littoral vegetation of the lakes near Ostrów Lubelski against the background of habitat conditions. Part I. The Lake Kleszczów). Annales Universitate M. Curie-Sklodowska, sect. C 26: 387-408. [Polish, english summary] [C. vulgaris].
POTT, R., 1992. Die Pflanzengesellschaften Deutschlands. Ulmer, Stuttgart. 427 pp., 272 figs., 13 tables. [Charetea fragilis pp. 45-52].
POTT, R., 1995. Die Pflanzengesellschaften Deutschlands. 2. rev. Aufl. Ulmer, Stuttgart. 622 pp., 449 figs., 7 tables. [Charetea fragilis pp 50-59].
PRAEGER, R.L., 1901. Irish topografical botany. Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, ser. 3, vol. 7. Academy House, Dublin. I-CLXXXVIII & 1-410, 5 pl. (maps). [Characeae pp. 393-400, 10 Chara, 5 Nitella, 3 Tolypella species].
PRAEGER, R.L., 1938. Flowering plants, vascular cryptogams and charophytes. In: S.A. Stewart & T.H. Corry - A flora of the north-east of Ireland. ed. 2. The Quota Press, Belfast. I-LVIII & 1-471, 3 maps. [Charophyta pp. 289-291, C. vulgaris, C. rudis, C. hispida, C. contraria, C. aculeolata, C. aspera, C. desmacantha, C. delicatula, N. translucens, N. opaca].
PRASAD, P.K. & VERMA, B.N., 1985. Aneuploid count for Chara setosa Klein ex Willd. Cytologia 50: 241-245.
PREISING, E., VAHLE, H.C., BRANDES, D., HOFMEISTER, H., TÜXEN, J. & WEBER, H.E., 1990. Die Pflanzengesellschaften Niedersachsens - Bestandsentwicklung, Gefährdung und Schutzprobleme Wasser- und Sumpfpflanzengesellschaften des Süßwassers. Naturschutz und Landschaftspflege in Niedersachsen 20/8: 47-161. [C. hispida in Cladietum marisci (p. 86), C. fragilis, C. vulgaris, C. hispida in Potametum colorati (p. 104), N. flexilis, N. gracilis in Utricularietum australis (p. 105), also N. translucens, N. opaca, C. delicatula].
PREUSS, H., 1912. Die Vegetationsverhältnisse der deutschen Ostseeküste, Teil 2. Schriftenreihe der Naturforschende Gesellschaft Danzig, N.F. 13: 1-145. [p. 25 Nitellopsis obtusa].
PRINTZ,H., 1927. Chlorophyceae (nebst Conjugatea, Heterocontae und Charophyta). In: A.Engler & K.Prantl - Die natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien, nebst Ihren Gattungen und wichtigeren Arten insbesondere der Nutzpflanzen. Aufl.2, Band 3. Dunker & Humblot, Berlin. Reprint 1959. 463 pp., 366 figs. [Charophyta pp. 412-429, fig. 316-337, C. fragilis, C. crinita, C. hispida, N. flexilis, N. translucens].
PROBINE, M.C. & PRESTON, R.D., 1958. Protoplasmic streaming and wall stucture in Nitella. Nature 182: 1657.
PROCTOR, V.W. & WIMAN, F.H., 1971. An experimental approach to the systematics of the monoecious-conjoined members of the genus Chara, series Gymnobasalia. American Journal of Botany 58: 885-893, 3 figs. [n = 28, 42, 56] [C. kenoyeri,C. zeylanica, C. rusbyana].
PROCTOR, V.W. , 1962. Viability of Chara oospores taken from migratory water birds. Ecology 43: 528-529.
PROCTOR, V.W., 1967. Storage and germination of Chara oospores. Journal of Phycology 3: 40-92.
PROCTOR, V.W., 1970. Taxonomy of Chara braunii: an experimental approach. Journal of Phycology 6: 317-321, 4 figs. [C. braunii n = 14, C. australis n = 14, C. corallina].
PROCTOR, V.W., 1971a. Chara globularis Thuillier (= C. fragilis Desvaux): breeding patterns within a cosmopolitan complex. Limnology and Oceanogrphy 16: 422-436, 1 fig. [C. globularis n = 28, C. delicatula (as C. globularis var. virgata) n = 42, c. 77, C. aspera n = 14, C. connivens n = 14, C. fragifera n = 14].
PROCTOR, V.W., 1971b. Taxonomic significance of monoecism and dioecism in the genus Chara. Phycologia 10: 299-307, 4 figs. [C. preissii, C. gymnopitys, C. imperfecta, C. vulgaris, C. australis, C. corallina, C. connivens, C. globularis, C. fragifera, C. aspera].
PROCTOR, V.W., 1975. The nature of Charophyte species; Phycological Reviews 2. Phycologia 14: 97-113, 7 figs. [20 Chara species].
PROCTOR, V.W., 1976. Genetics of Charophyta. In: R.A. Lewin - The genetics of Algae, pp. 211-218. Blackwell, Oxford. [15 Chara species].
PROCTOR, V.W., 1980. Historical biogeography of Chara (Charophyta): an appraisal of the Braun-Wood classification plus a falsifiable alternative for future consideration. Journal of Phycology 16: 218-233.
PROCTOR, V.W., CARL DE DONTERBERG, C.C., HOTCHKISS, A.T. & IMAHORI, K., 1967. Conspecificity of some Charophytes. Journal of Phycology 3: 208-211, fig. 1-4. [C. buckelii, C. longifolia, C. hornemannii, Nitellopsis obtusa, Nitellopsis bulbillifera, Nitellopsis sarcularis].
PROCTOR, V.W., GRIFFIN III, D.G. & HOTCHKISS, A.T., 1971. A synopsis off the genus Chara, series Gymnobasalia (subsection Willdenowia RDW.). American Journal of Botany 58: 894-901, 2 figs. (distribution maps) [Key] [C. haitensis, C. zeylanica, C. cienegaensis, C. martiana, C. foliolosa, C. rusbyana, C. kenoyeri].
PROCTOR, V.W., 1999. Charophytivory, Playas y Papalotes, a Local Paradigm of Global Relevance. Australian Journal of Botany 47 (3): 399-406. [21 Charophyte taxa].
PRÓSPER,E.R., 1910. Las Carofitas de España. Madrid. 280 pp. [Key].


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