SAHAI, R. & SINHA, A.B., 1976. Productivity of submerged macrophytes in polluted regions of the eutrophic lake Ramgarh (Uttar Pradesh). In: C.K. Varshney & J. Rzoska (ed.) - Aquatic weeds in South East Asia. pp. 131-140. Junk, The Hague. [C. zeylanica].
SAHNI, B. & RAO, H.S., 1943. A silicified flora from the Intertrappean Cherts round Sausar in the Deccan. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India, Allahabad, (B) 13: 36-75, 15 fig., pl. 1-15.
SAKANO, K., SHIMMON, T. & HATANAKA, S.-I., 1983. Iso-asparagine from Chara corallina. Phytochemistry 22: 2313-2314.
SAMANO, A. & SOKOLOFF, Y., 1931. La flora y fauna microscopicas de aguas dulces del valle de Maxico. Fasc. 1. Monografies del instituto de Biologia, Mexico. 50 pp. [Characeae p. 7, Nitella].
SAMIETZ, R., 1993. Rote Liste der Armleuchteralgen (Charophyta) Thüringens. 1. Fasung, Stand 1992. Naturschutzreport 1993: 165-167.
SARMA, A.L.N. & GOPALASWAMY, G., 1974. On freshwater phytal fauna of Visakhapatnam. Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society 72: 237-240.
SARMA, Y.S.R.K. & KHAN, M., 1965c. Some new observations on the karyology of Chara zeylanica Klein ex Wild. Current Science 34: 293-294.
SARMA, Y.S.R.K. & KHAN, M., 1966. A new form of Lychnothamnus barbatus Leonh. f. iyengarii f. nov. Phykos 5: 195-197.
SARMA, Y.S.R.K. & KHAN, M., 1967. On two new Charophytes from India. Hydrobiologia 30: 405-410. [C. bharadwajae sp. nov, C. globularis var. virgata f. leiopitys form. nov.].
SARMA, Y.S.R.K. & KHAN, M., 1980. Algal taxonomy in India. Botanical Records and Monographs. Vol. 2. New Delhi. 153 pp. [Charophyta pp. 63-64, species list with 84 species] [not reliable, many mistakes].
SASHAVATHARAM,V. & VENU, P., 1981. Some observations on the ecology of Kolleru lake. International Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences 7: 35-44.
SAUER, F., 1937. Die Makrophytenvegetation ostholsteinischer Seen und Teiche. Archiv für Hydrobiologie, Supplement 6: 431-592. [Characeae pp. 454-494, 9 Chara, 3 Nitella species, Nitellopsis obtusa].
SAUNDERS,D.A., 1901. Papers from the Harriman Alaska Expedition. 25. The Algae. Proceedings of the Washington Academy of Sciences 3: 391-486, pl. 43-62. [Characeae p.416, det. by T.F. Allen, C. fragilis, C. contraria, N. acuminata, N. opaca].
SAWA, T. & FRAME, P., 1974. Comperative anatomy of Charophyta I. Oogonia and oospores of Tolypella with special reference to the sterile oogonial cell. Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club 101: 136-144.
SAWA, T., 1973. Two new species of Tolypella (Characeae) from North America. Journal of Phycology 9: 472-482. [Tol. boldii n. spec., Tol. canadensis n. spec., Tol. prolifera, Tol. intricata, Tol. fimbriata, Tol. stipitata, Tol. californica, Tol. apiculata].
SCHACHT, H., 1864. Die Spermatozoiden im Pflanzenreich. F. Vieweg, Braunschweig. 54 pp., 6 pl. [Characeae pp. 29-35, pl. 5-6, fig. 68-81] [N. syncarpa, C. fragilis].
SCHÄFER-GUIGNIER,O., 1994. Weiher in der Franche-Comté: eine floristisch-ökologische und vegetationskundliche Untersuchung. I Textteil, 239 pp., II Karten- und Tabellelteil. Dissertationes Botanicae 213. Cramer, Berlin.
SCHAMINÉE, J.H.J., ARTS, G.H.P. & WESTHOFF, V., 1995. Littorelletea. In: J.H.J. Schaminée et al. (red.) - De vegetatie van Nederland. Deel 2. Plantengemeenschappen van wateren , moerassen en natte heiden. pp. 109-138, fig. 6.1- 6.9, foto 6.1- 6.11. Opulus Press, Uppsala-Leiden. 360 pp., 89 figs. (1 map), 81 photos. [Dutch] [C. globularis].
SCHAMINÉE, J.H.J., LANJOUW, B. & SCHIPPER, P., 1990. Een nieuwe indeling van de waterplantengemeenschappen (Potametea) in Nederland. Stratiotes 1: 5-16. [C. vulgaris, Nitellopsis obtusa].
SCHAMINÉE, J.H.J., MAIER, E.X. & VAN RAAM, J.C., 1995. Charetea fragilis. In: J.H.J. Schaminée et al. (red.) - De vegetatie van Nederland. Deel 2. Plantengemeenschappen van wateren , moerassen en natte heiden. pp. 45-64, fig. 4.1- 4.9, foto 4.1- 4.4. Opulus Press, Uppsala-Leiden. 360 pp., 89 figs. (1 map), 81 photos. [Dutch] [9 Chara, 6 Nitella, 2 Tolypella species, Nitellopsis obtusa].
SCHAUER,T., 1987. Die Vegetation des Vilsalpsees und der Traualpseen bei Tannheim in Tirol. Jahrb. Ver. Schutze Bergwelt 43: 103-121.
SCHEFFER, M., VAN DE BERG, M.S., BREUKELAAR, A., BREUKERS, C., COOPS, H., DOEF, R. & MEIJER, M.L., 1994. Vegetated areas with clear water patches in turbid shallow lakes. Aquatic Botany 49: 193-196.
SCHEFFER, M., 1998. Ecology of Shallow Lakes. Population and Community Biology Series 22. Chapman & Hall, London. ISBN 0 412 74920 3. pp. 357.
SCHENCK, H., 1908. Über die Phylogenie der Archegoniaten und der Characeen. Engler's Botanische Jahrbüchern 42: 1-37, 25 fig.
SCHENK, A., 1858. Über das Vorkommen contractiler Zellen im Pflanzenreich. Würzburg. [N. flexilis].
SCHIPPER, P.C., LANJOUW, B. & SCHAMINÉE, J.H.J., 1995. Potametea. In: J.H.J. Schaminée et al. (red.) - De vegetatie van Nederland. Deel 2. Plantengemeenschappen van wateren , moerassen en natte heiden. pp. 65-108, fig. 5.1- 5.9, foto 5.1- 5.10. Opulus Press, Uppsala-Leiden. 360 pp., 89 figs. (1 map), 81 photos. [Dutch] [C. globularis, C. vulgaris, Nitellopsis obtusa].
SCHMID, E., 1923. Vegetationsstudien in den Urner Reußtälern. G. Brügel, Ansbach. 164 pp., pl. I-IV. [C. fragilis in Potamogetonetum].
SCHMIDT, D., 1981. Die Characeen - eine im Aussterben begriffene Pflanzengruppe unserer Gewässer. Gleditschia 8: 141-157, fig. 1-2, pl. VII. [Key] [7 Chara, 7 Nitella species, Nitellopsis obtusa, Lychn. barbatus, Tol. intricata].
SCHMIDT, D., 1994. Rote Liste der gefährdeten Armleuchtealgen Mecklenburg-Vorpommerns. 1. Fassung. Stand: November 1993. Umweltminister des Landes Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Schwerin. 31 pp., 4 figs. [Red List] [18 Chara, 8 Nitella, 4 Tolypella species, Nitellopsis obtusa, Lamp. paulosum, Lychn. barbatus].
SCHMIDT, D., MAUERSBERGER, R. & MAUERSBERGER, H., 1993. Rote Liste der Armleuchteralgen (Charophyta) in Brandenburg. Gleditschia 21: 37-45. [Red List] [15 Chara, 8 Nitella, 3 Tolypella species, Nitellopsis obtusa, Lychn. barbatus].
SCHMIDT, D., VAN DE WEYER, K., KRAUSE, W., KIES, L., GARNIEL, A., GEISSLER, U., GUTOWSKI, A., SAMIETZ, R., VAHLE, H.-C., VÖGE, M., WOLFF, P. & MELZER, A., 1996. Rote Liste der Armleuchteralgen (Charophyceae) Deutschlands. 2. Fassung, Stand: Februar 1995. Schriften-Reihe für Vegetationskunde 28: 547-576, 4 figs. [Red List] [22 Chara, 2 Lamprothamnium, 10 Nitella, 4 Tolypella species, Lychn. barbatus, Nitellopsis obtusa].
SCHMITZ, 1879. Untersuchungen über die Zellkerne der Thallophyten. Sitzungsberichte der niederrheinischen Gesellschaft für Natur- und Heilkunde zu Bonn für 1879, 34 pp.
SCHOOF-VAN PELT, M.M., 1973. Littorelletea - A study of the vegetation of some amphiphytic communities of western Europe. Thesis Catholic University, Nijmegen.
SCHRATT, A.E., 1988. Geobotanisch-ökologische Untersuchungen zum Indikatorwert von Wasserpflanzen und ihren Gesellschaften in Donaualtwässern bei Wien. Dissertation Univ. Wien. [C. contraria, Tol. intricata].
SCHRATT, L., 1993. Charetea fragilis. In: G.Grabherr & L.Mucina (eds.) - Die Pflanzengesellschaften Österreichs. Teil II. Natürliche waldfreie Vegetation. pp. 45-54. Gustav Fischer Verlag, Jena. [8 Chara, 3 Nitella species, Tol. intricata].
SCHRÖTER, C., 1932. Die Flora des Zürichsees und seiner Ufergelände. Jahrbuch Zürichsee für 1932: 87-129. [Nitellopsis obtusa].
SCHRÖTER, K., LAEUCHLI,A. & SIEVERS, A., 1975. Mikroanalytische Identifikation von Bariumsulfat-Kristallen in den Statolithen der Rhizoide von Chara fragilis Desv. Planta (Berlin) 122: 213-226.
SCHRÖTER, K., RODRIGUEZ-GARCIA, M.I. & SIEVERS, A., 1973. Die Rolle des endoplasmatischen Retikulums bei der Genese der Chara-Statolithen. Protoplasma 76: 435-442. [C. fragilis].
SCHROTT, R., 1974. Verlandungsgesellschaften der Weiher um Eschenbach und Tirschenreuth und Vergleich der Verlandungszonen. Hoppea, Denkschriften der Regensburgischen Botanische Gesellschaft 33; 247-310.
SCHULTZ, M., 1914. Beiträge zu einer Algenflora der Umgegend von Greifswald. Mitteilungen der Naturwissenschaftliche Verein Neuvorpmmern und Rügen in Greifswald 45: 87-158. [C. foetida, C. fragilis, C. hispida, Tol. intricata].
SCHUMANN, K. & LAUTERBACH, K., 1900. Die Flora der Deutschen Schutzgebiete in der Südsee. Borntraeger, Leipzig. [Characeae pp. 17-18, det. O. Nordstedt] [C. brachypus, C. cf. gymnopitys, C. fibrosa].
SCHUTTEN, J., VAN DER VELDEN, J.A. & SMIT, H., 1994. Submerged macrophytes in the recently freshened lake system Volkerak-Zoom (The Neherlands), 1987-1991. Hydrobiologia 275/276: 207-218.
SCHUURMANS STEKHOVEN, H., 1815. Kruidkundig Handboek ... etc. Eerste deel ..., Plantae Phanerogamicae. J.C. Sepp, Amsterdam. [Dutch] [Characeae p. 385, C. vulgaris, C. hispida].
SCHUYL, F., 1668. Catalogus plantarum Horti Academici Lugduno-Batavi, ... etc. Accedit index plantarum indigenarum, quae prope Lugdunum in Batavis nascuntur. Elsevier, Leiden. [p. 75 C. vulgaris (as Equisetum foetidum sub aqua repens)].
SCHWARZ, A.-M. & I. HAWES, 1997. Effects of changing water clarity on characean biomass and species composition in a large oligotrophic lake. Aquatic Botany 56: 169-181.
SCHWARZ, A.,-M., I. HAWES & C. HOWARD-WILLIAMS, 1999. Mechanisms underlying the decline and recovery of a characean community in fluctuating light in a large oligotrophic lake. Australian Journal of Botany 47 (3): 325-336. [C. corallina].
SEGAL, S., 1965. Een vegetatie onderzoek van hogere waterplanten in Nederland. Wetenschappelijke Mededelingen van de K.N.N.V. 57. 80 pp., fig. [Dutch].
SEGAL, S., 1968. Ein Einteilungsversuch der Wasserpflanzengesellschaften. In: R. Tüxen (red.) - Pflanzensoziologische Systematiek. Bericht über das Internationale Symposium in Stolzenau/Weser der Internationale Vereinigung für Vegetationskunde, 1964. pp. 191-219. Junk, Den Haag.
SEGAL, S., 1969. Zoneringen in het water. Jaarboek van de Koninklijke Nederlandse Botanische Vereniging voor 1968: 51-52. [Dutch].
SEGAL, S., 1970. Strukturen und Wasserpflanzen. In: R. Tüxen (red.) - Gesellschaftsmorphologie (Strukturforschung) - Bericht über das Internationale Symposium in Rinteln der Internationale Vereinigung für Vegetationskunde. pp. 157-171. Junk, Den Haag.
SEGAL, S., 1971. Principles on structure, zonation and succession of aquatic macrophytes. Hydrobiologia 12: 89-95.
SEIDEL, D. & WINKLER, S., 1974. Verlandungssukzessionen bei den Kleinstökosystemen der Hülben (Ostalb, SW-Deutschland). Archiv für Hydrobiologie 73: 84-107. [N. flexilis].
SETCHELL, W.A. & GARDNER, N.L., 1903. Algae of northwestern America. University of California Publications, Botany 1: 165-418, pl. 17-27. [Characeae p.233, C. fragilis, C. contraria, N. acuminata, N. opaca].
SEWARD, A.C., 1894. The Wealden Flora. Part 1. Thallophyta - Pteridophyta. Catalogue of the Mesozoic plants in the Department of Geology, British Museum (Natural History). I-XL & 1-179 pp. , 11 pl.
SEWARD, A.C., 1898. Fossil Plants. A textbook for students of Botany and Geology. 1. Cambridge. I-XVIII & 1-452 pp., 111 fig.
SHEPHERD, V.A., M.J. BEILBY & D.J. HESLOP, 1999. Ecophysiology of the hypotonic response in the salt-tolerant charophyte alga Lamprothamnium papulosum. Plant Cell & Environment 22 (4): 333-346. [Lamprothamnium papulosum].
SHIMODA, M., 1983. Deinostemato-Eriocauletum hondoensis (nov.): communities of emerged pond shores in Hiroshima Prefecture, Japan. Japanese Journal of Ecology 33: 121-134. [C. fibrosa, N. pseudoflabellata, N. leptodactyla].
SHIMODA, M., 1984. Macrophytic communities and their significance as indicators of water quality in two ponds in the Saiko basin, Hiroshima Prefecture, Japan. Hikobia 9: 1-14.
SHIMODA, M., 1985. Phytosociological studies on the vegetation of irrigation ponds in the Saijo Basin, Hiroshima Prefecture. Journal of Science of the Hiroshima University (ser. B, div. 2) 19: 237-297. [C. fibrosa, N. pulchella, N. leptodactyla, N. pseudoflabellata].
SHIMODA, M., 1986. The vegetation of irrigation ponds in the Oasa basin, Hiroshima Prefecture, western Japan. Hikobia 9: 457-465. [N. pulchella].
SIEVERS, A., 1965. Elektronenmikroskopische Untersuchungen zur geotropischen Reaktion. I. Über Besonderheiten im Feinbau der Rhizoide von Chara foetida. Zeitschrift für Pflanzenphysiologie 53: 193-253.
SIEVERS, A., 1967. Elektronenmikroskopische Untersuchungen zur geotropischen Reaktion. II. Die polare Organisation der normal wachsenden Rhizoïds von Chara foetida. Protoplasma 64: 225-253.
SILVERBERG, B.A. & SAWA, T., 1973. An ultrastructural and cytochemical study of microbodies in the genus Nitella (Characeae). Canadian Journal of Botany 51: 2025-2032, pl. I-VII. [N. flexilis].
SIMIC, M., 1896. Nekoliko kriptogamik biljaka u okolini vranjkoj. Izve_taj Vranjske Gimnazije za _olsku 1895/96 godinu. Vranje. [C. foetida].
SIMONS, J. & NAT, E., 1996. Past and present distribution of stoneworts (Characeae) in The Netherlands. Hydrobiologia 340: 127-135. Fig. 1a-1c [distributions maps] [9 Chara, 8 Nitella, 3 Tolypella species, Nitellopsis obtusa].
SIMONS, J. & VAN BEEM, A.P., 1990. Spirogyra species and accompanying algae from pools and ditches in The Netherlands. Aquatic Botany 37: 247-269. [C. globularis, C. hispida, N. flexilis, N. mucronata].
SIMONS, J. & VAN RAAM, J.C., 1998. Water en sediment. In: J.C. van Raam (ed.) - Handboek Kranswieren. pp. 57-62, fig. 25. Chara boek, Hilversum. 229 pp., 38 (7 maps, 5 distribution maps) + 122 figs., 27 pl., 41 distribution maps. [Dutch] [9 Chara, 5 Nitella, 3 Tolypella species, Nitellopsis obtusa].
SIMONS, J., 1991, Decline of the Characeae community in the shallow peat lake Botshol. In: J.Rozema & J.A.C.Verkleij (eds.) - Ecological responses to environmental stresses. pp. 161-169. Kluwer, Dordrecht. [C. connivens, C. globularis, C. major, C. aculeolata, C. aspera, C. contraria, Nitellopsis obtusa].
SIMONS, J., 1994. Field ecology of freshwater macroalgae in pools and ditches, with special attention to eutrophication. Netherlands Journal of Aquatic Ecology 28: 25-33. [C. aspera, C. vulgaris, C. globularis].
SIMONS, J., 1994. Field ecology of freshwater macroalgae in pools and ditches, with special attention to eutrophication. Netherlands Journal of Aquatic Ecology 28: 25-33.
SIMONS, J., 1998a. Botshol. In: J.C. van Raam (ed.) - Handboek Kranswieren. pp. 37-45, fig. 13-17. Chara boek, Hilversum. 229 pp., 38 (7 maps, 5 distribution maps) + 122 figs., 27 pl., 41 distribution maps. [Dutch] [C. aculeolata, C. aspera, C. globularis, C. connivens, C. contraria, C. major, N. mucronata, Nitellopsis obtusa].
SIMONS, J., 1998b. Seizoensperiodiciteit, groeistrategie, vestiging. In: J.C. van Raam (ed.) - Handboek Kranswieren. pp. 63-65, fig. 26-27. Chara boek, Hilversum. 229 pp., 38 (7 maps, 5 distribution maps) + 122 figs., 27 pl., 41 distribution maps. [Dutch] [C. aspera, C. contraria, C. globularis, C. vulgaris, C. baltica, C. connivens, C. major, N. flexilis, N. capillaris, N. translucens, Nitellopsis obtusa, Tol. glomerata].
SIMONS, J., DAALDER, R., OHM, M. & RIP, W., 1991. Floristische veranderingen en beheersmaatregelen in de veenplas Botshol. De Levende Natuur 92: 29-35. [Dutch] [C. connivens, C. globularis, C. major, C. aculeolata, C. aspera, C. contraria, Nitellopsis obtusa].
SIMONS, J., OHM, M. & DAALDER, R., 1992. Restoration of Botshol (The Netherlands) by reduction of external nutrient load: recovery of the Characean community. Hydrobiological Bulletin 25: 287-294. [C. connivens, C. globularis, C. major, C. aculeolata, C. aspera, C. contraria, Nitellopsis obtusa].
SIMONS, J., OHM, M., DAALDER, R., BOERS, P. & RIP, W., 1994. Restoration of Botshol (The Netherlands) by reduction of external nutrient load: recovery of a characean community, dominated by Chara connivens. Hydrobiologia 275/276: 243-253. [C. connivens, C. globularis, C. major, C. aculeolata, C. aspera, C. contraria, Nitellopsis obtusa].
SIMONS, J., LOKHORST, G.M. & VAN BEEM, A.P., 1999. Benthische zoetwateralgen in Nederland. Natuurhistorische Bibliotheek 69. KNNV Uitgeverij, Utrecht.
SINGH, M.P. & MATHUR, D.K., 1979. Discovery of some Charophyta from the fossiliferous infratrappean beds of Latitpur, Uttar Pradesh. Current Science 48: 208-209.
SINGH, S,N. & BHARGAVA, A.K., 1984. Plant distribution as affected by the confluence of a polluted stream with a clean stream. Indian Journal of Ecology 11: 342-344.
SINHA, A.B. & SAHAI, R., 1978. Studies on the factors affecting growth and productivity of free-floating macrophytes in Ramgarh lake of Gorakhpur (India). In; J.S. Singh & B. Gopal (eds.) - Glimpses of Ecology. pp. 377-382. International Science Publischers, Jaipur. [C. zeylanica].
SKIERCZYNSKA, J.E., SPIEWLA, E., ZOLNIERCZUK, R., BULANDA, W. & WARDAK, A., 1973. The measurements of the membrane resistance of Characeae by alternating and direct currents. Journal of Experimental Botany 24: 1015-1023.
SKUJA,H., 1928. Vorarbeiten zu einer Algenflora von Letland, IV. Acta Horti Botanici Univ. Latviensis 3: 103-218, pl. 1-4. (Reprint 1976, Cramer, Vaduz). [Charophyta pp. 198-200, 10 Chara, 6 Nitela, 3 Tolypella species].
SLUIMAN, H.J., 1983. The flagellar apparatus of the zoospore of the filamentous green alga Coleochaete pulvinata: absolute configuration and phylogenetic significance. Protoplasma 115: 160-175.
SLUIMAN, H.J., 1985. Comparative studies on the ultrastructure, phylogeny and classification of green algae. Thesis VU Amsterdam.
SLUIMAN, H.J., MATTOX, K.R. & STEWART, K.D., 1980. Moderne opvattingen over de fylogenie van groenwieren en landplanten. Vakblad voor Biologen 60: 204-212. [Dutch].
SLUITER, C.P., 1910. Beiträge zur Kenntnis von Chara contraria A. Braun und Chara dissoluta A. Braun. Botanische Zeitung 68: 125-168, pl. 4-8. [C. contraria, C. dissoluta, C. jubata, C. delicatula, N. syncarpa, N. opaca].
SMETTAN,H.W., 1981. Die Pflanzengesellschaften des Kaisergebirges/Tirol. Jahrbücher der Verein zum Schutze der Bergwelt 37: [C. aspera, C. vulgaris].
SMIT, H., 1980. Voorkomen en verspreiding van waterplanten in de polders ten westen van Alkmaar. De Levende Natuur 81: 25-29. [Dutch] [C. vulgaris, C. globularis, C. canescens, C. hispida, N. flexilis, N. mucronata].
SMITH, F.A. & RAVEN, J.A., 1974. Energy-dependent processes in Chara corallina; absence of light stimulation when only photosystem one is operative. New Phytologist 73: 1-12.
SMITH, F.A., 1967. Rate of photosynthesis in Characean cells. I. Photosynthetic 14CO2 fixation by Nitella translucens. Journal of Experimental Botany 18: 509-517.
SMITH, F.A., 1968. Metabolic effects on ionfluxes in Tolypella intracata. Journal of Experimental Botany 19: 442.
SOKOL, R.C. & STROSS, R.G., 1986. Annual germination window in oospores of Nitella furcata (Charophyceae). Journal of Phycology 22: 403-406. [N. furcata ssp. megacarpa, N. acuminata, N. tenuissima, N. flexilis, C. braunii].
SONDER, C., 1890. Die Characeen der provinz Schleswig-Holstein und Lauenburg nebst eingeschlossenen fremden Gebietstheilen. Dissertation Universität Rostock, Kiel. 66 pp. [Key] [6 Nitella, 3 Tolypella, 21 Chara species, Nitellopsis obtusa (as Lychnothamnus stelliger), Lamprothamnus Hansenii, Lamprothamnus alopecuriodes].
SONDER, C., 1895. Charales. In: P. Graebner - Zur Flora der Kreise Putzig, Neustandt Wpr. und Lauenburg i. Pomm. p. 316. Schriften der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Danzig, N.F. 9: 271-396, pl. 7-8. [N. flexilis, C. tomentosa, C. baltica, C. foetida, C. aspera, C. fragilis].
SOULIÉ-MÄRSCHE, I., 1971. Descriptions de nouvelles Charophytes éocènes. Bulletin de la Société d'Histoire Naturelle de Toulouse 107: 18-27, pl. I-II.
SOULIÉ-MÄRSCHE, I., 1979. Charophyte fossiles des formations pliocènes de l'Isthme de Megara (Grèce). Annales géologique de Pays Hellénique, Hors. ser. 1979: 1127-1136.
SOULIÉ-MÄRSCHE, I., 1989. Étude comparée de gyrogonites de Charophytes actuelles et fossiles et phylogénie des genres actuels. Imprimerie des Tilleuls, Millau. 237 pp., 47 figs., 45 pl. (édition révisée du mémoire de Thèse d'État, Université du Languedoc, Montpellier (1979)). [15 Chara, 9 Nitella, 5 Tolypella, 2 Nitellopsis, 4 Lamprothamnium recent species, Lychnothamnus barbatus].
SOULIÉ-MÄRSCHE, I., 1999. Extant Gyrogonite Populations of Chara zeylanica and Chara haitensis: Implications for Taxonomy and Palaeoecology. Australian Journal of Botany 47 (3): 371-382. [C. zeylanica, C. haitensis].
SOWERBY, J. DE C., 1840. Description of organic remains. In: J.G. Malcolmson - On the fossils of the eastern portion of the Great Basaltic District of India. pl. 47 + text. Transactions of the Geological Society of London (2) 5.
SPANSWICK, R.M., 1974a. Evidence for an electrogenic ion pump in Nitella translucens. Biochimica Biophysica Acta 332: 387-398.
SPANSWICK, R.M., 1974b. Hydrogen ion transport in giant algal cells. Canadian Journal of Botany 52: 1029-1034. [N. translucens].
SPENCE, D.H.N., 1967. Factors controlling the distribution of freshwater macrophytes with particular refernce to the Lochs of Scotland. Journal of Ecology 55: 147-170. [C. aspera, C. papillosa, C. delicatula, N. opaca].
SPINNER, H., 1932. Le Haut-Jura neuchâtelois nord-occidental. Matériaux pour le levé géobotanique de la Suisse, fasc. 17. 197 pp., map. [Characion p. 123, C. fragilis, C. aspera, C. strigosa, C. contraria, C. jurensis, C. Magninii].
SQUIRE, L.E., RUSHFORTH, S.R. & ENDSLEY, C.J., 1973. An ecological survey of the algae of Huntington Canyon, Utah. Science Bulletin of Brigham Young University 18: 1-87. [C. vulgaris].
STÅLBERG, N., 1939. Lake Vättern. Outlines of its natural history, especially its vegetation. Acta Phytogeographica Suecica 11: 1-52, 11 pl. [C. aspera, C. fragilis, C. foetida, N. opaca, N. flexilis, N. capillaris, N. syncarpa, N. translucens, N. batrachosperma, N. gracilis].
STARLING, M.B., CHAPMAN, V.J. & BROWN, J.M.A., 1974a. A contribution to the biology of Nitella hookeri A. Br. in the Rotorua lakes, New Zealand. I. Inorganic nutritional requirements. Hydrobiologia 45: 91-113. [C. australis, N. gracilis, N. hookeri, N. flexilis, N. pseudoflabellata].
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