WADE, P.M. 1990. The colonisation of disturbed freshwater habitats by Characeae. Folia Geobotanica et Phytotaxonomica Praha 25: 275-278.
WAGNER, H.G., 1990. Ein Schoenetum nigricantis bei Lengerich, Westf. Natur und Heimat 50: 95-96. [C. vulgaris].
WAGNER, H.G., 1995. Erste Übersicht über die Armleuchteralgen (Characeae) des Raumes Osnabrück. Osnabrücker Naturwissenschaftliche Mitteilungen 20/21: 101-140, 11 figs., 17 distribution maps. [Key] [7 Chara, 8 Nitella, Nitellopsis obtusa, Tol. prolifera].
WAHLSTEDT, L.J., 1862. Bidrag till kännedomen om de skandinaviska arterna af växtfamiljen Characeea. Diss. Lundh. 43 pp. [Swedish].
WAHLSTEDT, L.J., 1864. Om Characeernas knoppar och öfvervintring. Botanisk afhandling. Håkan Ohlsson, Lund. 48 pp. [Swedish].
WAHLSTEDT, L.J., 1875. Monografi öfver Sveriges och Norges Characeer. Christianstadts Högre Elemantar-Läroverks Inbjudningsskrift for är 1875. Aftryck [Reprint] 37 pp. [Swedish] [Key] [11 Nitella, 3 Tolypella, 19 Chara species, Lamp. wallrothii (as Lychnothamnus), Lychn. barbatus, Nitellopsis obtusa (as C. stelligera)].
WAJIH, S.A. & SINHA, A.C., 1980. Growth regulating substances in the algal extracts of Chara zeylanica Kl. ex Willd.. Indian Journal of Ecology 7: 158-160.
WALI, M.K., GRUENDLING, G.K. & BLINN, D.W., 1972. Observations on the nutrient composition of a freshwater lake ecosystem. Archiv für Hydrobiologie 60: 452-604. [C. globularis].
WALKER, N.A. & SMITH, F.A., 1975. Intracellular pH in Chara corallina measured by DMO distribution. Plant Scienc. Lett 4: 125-132.
WALLENTINUS, J., 1967. Algstudier i Östersjön. Fältbiologen 3/67: 3-7, 4 figs. [Swedish] [C. aspera, C. tomentosa, Tol. nidifica].
WALLENTINUS, J., 1972. Makroskopiska alger och vattenlevande fanerogamer vid svenska östersjökusten. Zoologisk Revy 34: 69-84, 38 figs. [Swedish] [C. aspera, C. canescens, C. fragilis, C. tomentosa, Tol. nidifica].
WALLMAN, J., 1854. Försök till en systematisk uppställning af växtfamiljen Characea. Kongl. Vetenskaps Akademiens Handlingar foer ar 1852: 231-331. [Swedish, french translation: Wallman 1856] [Key] [Nitella Braunii n. spec., Nitella norvegica n. spec., Nitella virgata n. spec., Nitella Walbergiana n. spec., Nitella anomala n. spec., Nitella procera n. spec., Nitella atrovirens n. spec., Chara. Hornemannii n. spec., Chara Wikströmii n. spec., Chara coarctata n. spec., Chara sphagnoïdes n. spec., Chara crispa n. spec., Chara Liljebladii n. spec., Chara acicularis n. spec., Chara Agardhiana n. spec., Chara annulata n. spec.; 40 Nitella, 2 Nitellopsis (as Nitella), 7 Tolypella (as Nitella), 2 Lamprothamnium (as Chara), 2 Lychnothamnus (as Chara), 62 Chara species].
WALLMAN, J., 1856. Essai d'une exposition de la Famille des Characées. Traduit du Suédois par M. le Dr. W. Nylander. Actes de la Société Linnéenne de Bordeaux 21 (sér. 3 vol. 1): 1-90. [Key] 40 Nitella, 2 Nitellopsis (as Nitella), 7 Tolypella (as Nitella), 2 Lamprothamnium (as Chara), 2 Lychnothamnus (as Chara), 62 Chara species].
WALSER, R., 1995, 1996. Zur Rolle der Makrophytenbestände im Bereich von Flußmündungen am Bodensee-Obersee. Diss. Univ. Hohenheim (1995), Hartung-Gorre Verlag, Konstanz (1996). 8 + 202 pp., Karten, Fig. Tab. [C. contraria].
WALTER LÉVY, L. & STRAUSS, R., 1968. Sur l'absorption du Strontium par Chara fragilis Desvaux. Comptes rendus des séances de l'Académie des Sciences Paris sér. D 266: 1486-1489.
WALTER LÉVY, L. & STRAUSS, R., 1969. Sur la précipitation des Carbonates de baryum et de calcium par Chara fragilis Desvaux. Comptes rendus des séances de l'Académie des Sciences Paris sér. D 269: 2453-2456.
WALTER LÉVY, L. & STRAUSS, R., 1974a. Résistance des Characées aux effects toxiques des ions Pb2+. Comptes rendus des séances de l'Académie des Sciences Paris sér. D 278: 2023-2026, 1 fig. [C. fragilis, C. vulgaris].
WALTER LÉVY, L. & STRAUSS, R., 1974b. Recherches sur la précipitation des carbonates alcalino-terreux chez les Characées. Hydrobiologia 45: 217-237, pl. A-C. [C. fragilis, C. vulgaris].
WALTER LÉVY, L. & STRAUSS, R., 1975. Tolérance des Characées aux fortes concentrations du milieu en ions manganeux. Comptes rendus des séances de l'Académie des Sciences Paris sér. D 280: 1899-1902. [C. fragilis, C. vulgaris].
WALTER, T., 1980. Produktionsbiologische Untersuchungen an Chara tomentosa L. in der "Kirrbucht". Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Universität Rostock, math. nat. Reihe 29: 117-120.
WALTHER, E., 1929. Entwicklungsgeschichtliche und zytologische Untersuchungen an einigen Nitellen. Dissertation Universität Zürich & Arbeiten aus dem Institut für allgemeine Botanik der Universität Zürich II. Serie 11: 23-121, 20 Fig., Taf. 1-7 & Archiv der Julius Klaus Stiftung 4: 23-121, 20 Fig.,Taf. 1-7. [N. syncarpa, N. hyalina, N. batrachosperma].
WANG, Y. & HAN, F., 1994. Flora algarum sinicarum aquae dulcis. Tomus 3. Charophyta. Science Press, Bejing. VII & 267 pp., 189 figs. [Chinese, latin names & index] [Key chinese & english] [90 Nitella, 6 Tolypella, 2 Lychnothamnus, 57 Chara species].
WARDLE, P., 1977. Plant communities of Westland National Park (New Zealand). New Zealand Journal of Botany 15: 323-398. [N. hyalina, C. globularis].
WATSON, J., 1969. A revision of the English Wealden Flora, 1. Charales-Ginkgoales. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History), London, (Geology) 17: 209-254, pl. 1-6.
WEBER-OLDECOP, D.W.,..1970. Wasserpflanzengesellschaften im östlichen Niedersachsen (I). Internationale Revue der gesammte Hydrobiologie 55: 913-967. [N. flexilis in Myriophylletum alterniflorum].
WEBER-OLDECOP, D.W.,..1971. Zur Flora und Vegetation des Maschsees in Hannover. Berichte der Naturhistorischen Gesellschaft Hannover 115: 61-62. [C. fragilis, C. vulgaris].
WEISSER,P., 1970. Die Vegetationsverhältnisse der Neusiedlersees. Wissenschaftliche Arbeiten Burgenland 45: 1-83.
WELCH, P.S., 1935. Limnology. Mc Graw-Hill, New York. [p. 236 Characetu].
WELLS, R.D.S., J.S. CLAYTON & M.D. DE WINTON, 1998. Submerged vegetation of Lakes Te Anau, Manapouri, Monowai, Hauroko and Poteriteri, Fiordland, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Marine & Freshwater Research 32 (4): 621-638. [C. fibrosa, C. corallina].
WENDELBERGER, G., 1943. Die Salzpflanzengesellschaften des Neusiedler Sees. Wiener Botanische Zeitschrift 92: 124-144. [C. crinita f. longispina ass.].
WESENBERGER-LUND, C., 1917. Furesøstudier. K. Danske Vidensk. Selsk. Skr., Naturv. e Math. Afd. 8 Raekke 3: 1-208. [Characeae p. 62, Nitellopsis obtusa].
WEST, G., 1910. A further contribution to a comparitive study of the dominant phanerogamic and higher cryptogamic flora of aquatic habitat in Scottish lakes. Proceedingsof the Royal Society of Edinburgh, session 1909-1910 vol. 30: 64-181, pl. 1-62. [Characeae (H. & J. Groves) pp. 89-90, 99, 102, 105, 111 . 5 Chara, 2 Nitella, 1 Tolypella species].
WESTHOFF, V. & DERKSEN, W., 1949. De Flora van Botshol, C . Algen, voorzover niet tot het Plankton behorend. In: V. Westhoff (red.) - Landschap, Flora en Vegetatie van de Botshol nabij Abcoude. p. 37-39. Stichting Commissie voor de Vecht en het Oostelijk en Westelijk Plassengebied, Baambrugge. [Dutch] [C. aspera, C. fragilis, C. hispida, C. vulgaris, C. aculeolata, Nitellopsis obtusa].
WESTHOFF, V. & ROOZEN, A.J.M., 1991. Het waterlepeltje (Ludwigia palustris (L.) Elliott) bij Barneveld. Stratiotes 2: 3-8. [Dutch] [C. delicatula].
WESTHOFF, V., 1949. De plantengemeenschappen van Botshol. In: V. Westhoff (red.) - Landschap, Flora en Vegetatie van de Botshol nabij Abcoude. p. 43-102. Stichting Commissie voor de Vecht en het Oostelijk en Westelijk Plassengebied, Baambrugge. [Dutch]. [C. hispida, C. aspera, C. fragilis, C. vulgaris, Nitellopsis obtusa].
WESTHOFF, V., BAKKER, P.A., VAN LEEUWEN, C.G. & VAN DER VOO, E.E., 1970. Wilde planten. Flora en vegetatie in onze natuurgebieden. 1. Algemene inleiding, duinen, zilte gronden. Vereniging tot Behoud van Natuurmonumenten, Amsterdam. [Dutch] [C. spec. p. 264].
WESTHOFF, V., BAKKER, P.A., VAN LEEUWEN, C.G. & VAN DER VOO, E.E., 1970. Wilde planten. Flora en vegetatie in onze natuurgebieden. 2. Het lage land. Vereniging tot Behoud van Natuurmonumenten, Amsterdam. [Dutch] [C. verrucosa, C. aculeolata, C. connivens, C. hispida, C. globularis, Nitellopsis obtusa].
WESTHOFF, V., VAN DIJK, J.W., PASSCHIER, H. & SISSINGH, G., 1946. Overzicht der plantengemeenschappen in Nederland. 2e druk. Breughel, Amsterdam. 118 pp., tab., fig. [Dutch] [C. vulgaris, C. aspera, C. canescens, N. flexilis, Nitellopsis obtusa].
WETTSTEIN, R., 1924. Handbuch der systematischen Botanik. 3e Auflage. Deuticke, Leipzig-Wien. I-VIII, 1-1018, 653 Abb. [Characeae p.169-172, 146, 148, 260, Abb. 107, 108].
WETZEL, R.G., 1975. Limnology. Saunders, Philadelphia.
WHEELER, B.D., 1980. Plant communities of rich-fen systems in England and Wales 2. Communities of calcareous mires. Journal of Ecology 68: 405-420. [C. major].
WHITFORD, L.A. & ROBERTSON, E.T., 1981. Some freshwater algae from Jamaica. Nova Hedwigia 34: 521-524. [C. zeylanica, N. mucronata, N. transilis].
WIEGLEB, G., 1976. Untersuchungen über den Zusammnehang zwischen Chemismus und Makrophyten stehender Gewässer in Niedersachsen. Diss. Universität Göttingen. 114 pp. [C. fragilis, N. flexilis].
WILLE, N., 1891. Characeae. In: H.G.A. Engler & K.A.E. Prantl - Die natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien. I, Teil 2. pp. 161-175, fig. 109-128. Leipzig. [21 Chara, 10 Nitella, 4 Tolypella, 1 Nitellopsis, 1 Lychnothamnus, 2 Lamprothamnium species].
WILLE, N., 1903. Ueber einige von J. Meynhardt in Südafrika gesammelte Süsswasseralgen. Oesterreichischen botanischen Zeitschrift 55: 89-95, 5 fig. [N. africana det O. Nordstedt].
WILLÉN, T., 1957. On the distribution of Nitellopsis obtusa around the Baltic. Bot. Not. 110: 313-320.
WILLÉN, T., 1960. The charophyte Nitellopsis obtusa (Desv. ) Groves found fertile in central Sweden. Svensk Bot. Tidskr. 54: 360-367.
WILLIAMS, C.H. & LIPTROT, M.R.M., 1980. Submerged macrophyte communities in a brackish South African estuarine lake system. Aquatic Botany 9: 101-116. [C. kraussii, Lamp. papulosum].
WILLIAMS, J.T. & TINDALL, D.R., 1975. Chromosome numbers for species of Characeae from southern Illinois. American Midland Naturalist 93: 330-338, 10 figs. [N. mirabilis n = 6, N. flexilis n = 12, N. acuminata n = 18 (erronously as n = 9), N. axillaris n = 18, N. oligospira n = 18, C. braunii n = 14, C. contraria n = 42, C. globularis n = 28, C. foliolosa n = 14, C. haitensis n = 42].
WILLIAMS, M.B., 1959. A revision of Nitella cristata Braun (Characeae) and its allies. Part II. Taxonomy. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 84: 346-356, 6 figs. (3 distribution maps). [Key] [Nitella reticulata n. spec., Nitella microteles n. spec., N. diffusa, N. cristata].
WILLIAMSON, R.E., 1992. Cytoplasmatic streaming in Characean Algae: mechanisms, regulation by Ca2+ and organization. In: M. Melkonian (ed.) - Algal cell motility.
WILLKOMM, M., 1887. Naturgeschichte des Pflanzenreichs nach dem Linné'schen System. Naturgeschichte des Tier-, Pflanzen- und Mineralenreichs. Zweite Abteilung. 4. Auflage. J.F. Schreiber, Ecklingen. [C. vulgaris p. 65, pl. 52 fig. 15].
WINTER, U., G.O. KIRST, V. GRABOWSKI, U. HEINNEMANN, I. PLETTNER & S. WIESE, 1999. Salinity tolerance in Nitellopsis obtusa. Australian Journal of Botany 47 (3): 337-346. [Nitellopsis obtusa].
WITT, A., 1906. Beiträge zur Kenntnis von Chara ceratophylla Wallroth und Chara crinita Wallroth. Dissertation Universität Zürich; Borne, Leipzig. 43 pp., 1 pl.
WITTIG,R., 1980. Die geschützten Moore und oligotrophen Gewässer der Westfälischen Bucht. Schriftenreihe der Landesanstalt für Ökologie, Landschaftsentwicklung und Forstplanung Nordrhein-Westfalen 5: 1-228.
WIUM-ANDERSEN, S. U.A., CHRISTOPHERSEN, C. & HOUEN ,G., 1982. Allelopathic effects on phytoplankton by substances isolated from aquatic macrophytes (Charales). Oikos 39: 187-190.
WOLOZYNSKA, J., 1938. Pleistocäne Charen von Roztoki bei Jaslo. Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae 15: 158-198, pl. X-XIII. [Polish, german summary].
WOMERSLEY, H.B.S. & OPHEL, I.L., 1947. Protochara, a new genus of Characeae from Western Australia. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia 71: 311-317, 2 figs. [Key] [Protochara australis n. spec., Protochara inflata, N. verticillata, N. gelatinosa, Lamp. macropogon].
WOMERSLEY, H.B.S., 1984. The marine benthic flora of southern Australia. Part I. Handbook of the Flora and Fauna of South Australia, Adelaide. [Characeae pp. 298-300, fig. 102H-K] [Lamp. papulosum].
WOOD, R.D. & IMAHORI, K., 1959. Geographical distribution of Characeae. Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club 86: 172-183. [120 Chara, 5 Lamprothamnium, 167 Nitella, 3 Nitellopsis, 2 Protochara, 16 Tolypella species, Lychn. barbatus].
WOOD, R.D. & IMAHORI, K., 1964. Iconograph of the Characeae.. XXV + 7 pp., icone 1-395.
WOOD, R.D. & MASON, R., 1977. Characeae of New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Botany 15: 87-180, 53 figs. (2 maps, 16 distribution maps) [Key] [5 Chara, 8 Nitella species, Lamp. papulosum, Tol. nidifica].
WOOD, R.D. & MUENSCHER, W.C., 1956. The Characeae of the State of New York. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station, Memoir 338, 77 pp., 18 pl. (22 distribution maps). [Key] [8 Nitella, 3 Tolypella, 10 Chara species].
WOOD, R.D. & WILLIAMS, M.B., 1967. Australian Characeae which survived the Armidale fire. Muelleria 1: 175-196. [17 Chara, 25 Nitella species, Lamp. macropogon, Tol. glomerata].
WOOD, R.D., 1950c. Stability and zonation of Characeae. Ecology 31: 642-647, 4 fig.
WOOD, R.D., 1955. Characeae. In: xxx - Exploration hydrobiologique du Lac Tanganika (1946-47). Résultats Scientifiques vol. 4. pp. 5-13, pl. I-III. Institute royal des sciences naturelle Belgique. [N. mucronata, C. zeylanica, C. brachypus].
WOOD, R.D., 1958a. Some Characeae from Arnhem Land. In: R.L. Specht & C.P. Montford (ed.) - Records of the American-Australian scientific expedition to Arnhem Land. Vol. 3. Botany and Plant ecology. p. 137. Melbourne University press, Melbourne. [C. australis, C. fibrosa, N. pseudoflabellata, N. sonderi].
WOOD, R.D., 1960. Linnean types for Characeae. Transactions of the American Microscopical Society 79: 219-226, pl. I-IV. [C. tomentosa, C. vulgaris, C. hispida, C. aculeolata, C. globularis, N. flexilis].
WOOD, R.D., 1962a. New combinations and taxa in the revision of Characeae. Taxon 11: 7-25.
WOOD, R.D., 1962b. Preliminary report on Characeae of Australia and the South Pacific. Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club 89: 250-253. [Lychn. barbatus, Tol. glomerata, Lamp. macropogon].
WOOD, R.D., 1963. Characeae of Samoa. Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club 90: 225-229.
WOOD, R.D., 1964. A synopsis of the Characeae. Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club 91: 35-46. [Key] [19 Chara, 3 Nitellopsis, 53 Nitella, 2 Tolypella species, Lychn. barbatus].
WOOD, R.D., 1965a. The Characeae of Fiji. Pacific Science 19: 12-30, 5 figs. [Key] [C. australis (as corallina), C. fibrosa, N. acuminata, N. furcata, N. pseudoflabellata].
WOOD, R.D, 1965b. Monograph of the Characeae. In: R.D. Wood & K. Imahori - A revision of the Characeae. Vol. I. Cramer, Weinheim. XXIV + 904 pp., 28 figs., 8 pl. [19 Chara, 3 Lamprothamnium, 3 Nitellopsis, 52 Nitella, 2 Tolypella species, Lychn. barbatus].
WOOD, R.D., 1965c. Characeae in Tonga. Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club 92: 465-467. [N. pseudoflabellata var. mucosa].
WOOD, R.D., 1966. Characeae of New Caledonia. Revue Algologique 8: 10-42, 1 fig. (map), 8 pl. [Key] [C. zeylanica, C. australis (as corallina), fibrosa, Lamp. succinctum, N. tasmanica, N. pseudoflabellata, N. hyalina, N. axillaris (as translucens)].
WOOD, R.D., 1967. Charophytes of North America. Kingston.
WOOD, R.D., 1972. Characeae of Australia. Nova Hedwigia 22: 1-120, 3 figs., 17 pl. [Key] [10 Chara, 15 Nitella, 2 Tolypella species, Lamp. papulosum, Lychn. barbatus].
WOOD, R.D., 1978. Charophyta. In: O.A. Leistner (ed.) - Flora of southern Africa, Cryptogams. vol. 9. Botanical Research Institute, Dept. of Agricultural Technical Services, Pretoria. VII + 56 pp., 39 fig. [Key].
YANKYAVICHUS, K.K., BARANAUSKANE, A.Y. & RAZYULIRE, R.I., 1973. (Development aspects of bacterial flora under different ecological conditions). Liet. TSR. Mosklu Akad. Nauk. ser. C, Biol. Mokslai 4: 11-19. [Russian, english summary].


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